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Essay on classroom management

Essay on classroom management

Submit Your Paper, essay on classroom management. Contact us. In building this awareness, they will identify the children's origin, the family dealings at home and their interest in learning. One should also note that Stough et al. In this management system, the teacher is solely responsible for guiding the student in all their classroom activities. From the students view, essay on classroom management effective classroom management system should incorporate clear communications of both academic and behavioral expectations as well as a generally cooperative environment Hue and Wai-shing Li


From the case study scenario, essay on classroom management, one can conclude that Mr. X is concerned that a classroom manager has a little essay on classroom management on the education process and student outcomes. His concerns should be addressed because they can affect his motivation and the quality of the education process in general, because of the frustration connected to the new role. The paragraphs below aim to explore the question of classroom management and address the concerns of Mr. X by explaining the role of classroom management in the context of continuing education. In the context of Mr. From the context of Mr. A classroom manager is responsible for organizing learning activities and instructing the students regarding the tasks they have to complete Hulac and Briesch However, the overall practice of classroom management is more complex and usually contains three primary elements — humanistic tradition, essay on classroom management, applied behavior analysis, and the classroom management traditions Fricke 9, essay on classroom management.

The first element is connected to the communication and problem solving within a classroom, the second one is a modification of behavior and reinforcement for improved learning outcomes, while the final element is connected to content presentation and instructions. Considering this, one can argue that Mr. One should also note that Stough et al. Therefore, an active classroom managed aids students in gaining more comprehensive knowledge, suggesting that Mr. X can help his students improve their learning outcomes by using classroom management. X voiced a concern regarding the task of distributing the material as the main element of classroom management. However, the previous paragraph explains that the methodology of classroom management involves more than merely presenting instructions and materials because it incorporates the development of an appropriate learning environment.

Although Mr. X may have less time for lectures, he can leverage the various means of learning, such as discussions or teamwork, to ensure that students comprehend the material better. According to the survey by Stough et al. X feels This means that instructors do not receive training and practice that would prepare them for using classroom management in practice, resulting in a discomfort similar to that felt by Mr. The main task of such a teacher is to arrange the classroom to ensure that everything is an order and that the students are aware of the procedures and materials they have to learn.

However, unfortunately, many educators misperceive this concept, essay on classroom management, understanding the main focus of this approach as a discipline Hulac and Briesch An interesting outlook on the issue described by Mr. X regarding the role of a classroom manager, especially in the context of continuing education is offered by Garett, who states that a misunderstanding of the concept of classroom management is common because educators may perceive it as having control An educator, however, is the central element of the education process because they present the material to the class, essay on classroom management, ask questions, and check the assignment.

With this approach, a student does not have enough autonomy over the course of studies. Classroom management involves a variety of methods and approaches that allow an educator to analyze the needs and learning capabilities of the class and choose techniques suitable for these individuals. This information suggests both the importance of this approach to education and the need to continuously improve the existing best practices. Overall, this case study highlights the issues that classroom managers encounter in their work due to the insufficient understanding of their role in the education process. However, it is essential for an educator to have a cohesive understanding of the contemporary approaches to education and allow students to lead the education process.

Therefore, the answers that Mr. should receive to allay his discomfort include essay on classroom management diversity of classroom management techniques and strategies and the lack of adequate guidelines, leading to concerns from many educators. New educators or neophytes may struggle with determining their professional identity and establishing themselves as a faculty member. X successfully applied this methodology during his lecture and created a positive learning environment for students encouraging behavior that aids learning. The following paragraphs will focus on examining essay on classroom management approach taken by Mr. X to evaluate the evidence suggesting that he essay on classroom management the class. In order to identify the evidence suggesting that Mr.

X managed the class, it is necessary to examine the definition of classroom management and the main elements of it. Classroom management encompasses different approaches and essay on classroom management that teachers use to help students engage in the learning process. Arguably, Mr. According to Stough et al. As such, the focus on the interactionalist approach implies that the educator creates an environment where the students develop behavior systems that allow them to adjust their behavior for adequate learning. In the case of Mr. X, the students were provided with a lot of autonomy during the lecture. However, they essay on classroom management not passively listening, as the educator included several activities, such as a discussion and group work, allowing these individuals to be engaged in the process and learn best practices of education.

X ended the lecture by discussing the main aspects of the concepts that were defined during the lesson and by assessing feedback from students about the approaches he used during the lesson. This is an essential element of classroom management that teaches individuals to evaluate information and methodologies critically, as well as to learn about their personal preferred style of learning. Through feedback assessment, Mr. X was able to address the mentioned elements of education. The purpose of classroom essay on classroom management is to provide individuals with an ability to engage in the process of learning, instead of merely listening to a lecture or looking through the materials.

Sharma cites active learning and the use of multimedia as a vital component of modern classroom management 1. In this context, Mr. X successfully addressed the two domains since he showed students a video as an introduction to the topic. Sharma argues that this is a problem-solving method designed to help students develop a new set of skills by viewing multimedia materials 1, essay on classroom management. Additionally, the process of active learning implies that students collaborate and discuss the topic for better learning outcomes.

X employed this technique several times because he invited students for a discussion of the topic and offered them a role play game and group work. Due to the fact that these were non-traditional learning approaches, one can argue that Mr. X managed the class. Over the course of the lesson, Mr. X employed several different techniques and approaches, including digital content, discussions, essay on classroom management, and group work, that allowed the class to learn the material from different sources, essay on classroom management.

X successfully employed this since the entire lecture consisted of different tasks, essay on classroom management. In such an environment, students exchange essay on classroom management on the topic and aim to explore the elements of it that are of the most interest to them Understanding Three Key Classroom Management Theories. Moreover, they learn how to apply the examined concepts in their clinical practice, which is essential and was facilitated by the final discussion of the practical implications. Classroom management is more complicated than traditional approaches to educating students, as one can see by examining the example of Mr, essay on classroom management.

Since Mr. X continuously offered students new activities and employed different learning techniques, it can be argued that he successfully applied classroom management. Overall, Mr, essay on classroom management. X successfully managed the class despite being a neophyte and having anxiety about his professional performance as an educator, essay on classroom management. The evidence that supports this conclusion includes the definition of classroom management as the use of different techniques that help create an appropriate environment for learning. Garrett, Tracy. Hulac, David Amy Briesch. Evidence-Based Strategies for Effective Classroom Management.

The Guilford Press, Fricke, Katharina. Classroom Management and Its Impact on Lesson Outcomes in Physics: A Multi-perspective Comparison of Teaching Practices in Primary and Secondary Schools. Logos Verlag Berlin, Sharma, Rajesh. Stough, Laura et al. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Classroom Management Issues. We use cookies to give you the best experience essay on classroom management. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Classroom Management Issues specifically for you!

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In my classroom management system, I always try to reflect my desired teaching style and environment for my students in the classroom setting. It communicates information about my beliefs on the content and the general learning process. Additionally, it represents the usual kinds of instructions that take place in any typical classroom. In this management system, the teacher is solely responsible for guiding the student in all their classroom activities. A student normally has at least two cognitive requirements at all times: the academic tasks requirements, which mostly involves understanding and working the classroom content. The other requirement is the social part of learning whereby a student has the task of interacting with other individuals especially their classmates and discuss the content taught by the teacher Yisrael, Therefore, I will ensure that my classroom management systems, allows my students to understand the content that I teach them and also find the most effective ways to participate in them so as to demonstrate their understanding.

According to my personal teaching style, I will highlight some of the aspects that I would ensure I have incorporated in my classroom management system. The teaching and learning environment ought to be supervised in both the cognitive and physical space. The physical space is normally prepared by the teacher by ensuring that it has been arranged in such a way that it prepares the students for learning Hue and Wai-shing Li Before I start my lessons, I would ask myself various questions such as, is the room warm enough and inviting? Does the room arrangement in line with my philosophy of learning? Have any distracting materials in my classroom removed?

Among many other questions that largely defines the condition of the learning environment. It is imperative for teachers to create and implement classroom management systems that involve practices that cultivate a favorable classroom environment for the students. The next feature in my management system is the setting up of expectations through the formulation of various rules and procedures. Rules are known to indicate the expectations for behavior in the classroom setting while procedures are meant to indicate how things would be done when in the classroom environment. In fact, rules can be formulated in the classroom with the help of the students so that they get the feeling that they have been involved in the setting up of their governing structure and therefore would not complain when disciplinary measures are have been taken after a student goes against the set rules.

As the teacher, I am expected to be possessing the knowledge on how rules and procedures should be applied for different environment. It has been proven by classroom management theorists and researchers that students who demonstrates high level of engagement and academic success usually implement a systematic style towards classroom management during the beginning of the school year. Thus, I find my management system effective since setting up expectations is vital in enhancing learning by the student. Arguably, the most important role of a teacher that would largely improve on the performance of a student is the aspect of motivation.

My classroom management system aims at encouraging and motivating the students to do their best and to also be excited about whatever they are learning since I believe that the process of learning should be fun. The climate of motivation is formed by expounding on two factors that are; value and effort. In order to be motivated, the students have to see the outcomes of their hard work and that of others. As the teacher I have opted to motivate my student both through encouraging them in their efforts in classwork and also by praising them verbally when they do exceptional things in the class. In my classroom management system, I also involve the aspect of maintain the learning environment through the issue of decision making.

Maintaining a learning environment is very important and requires the teacher to actively monitoring their students. Through active monitoring, I would watch closely on the general behavior of my student, correcting any inappropriate behavior before it gets worse and attending to their learning process. I recommend that, for any teacher to be able to effectively monitor both the behavior and academic progress of their students, regular survey of the class is required, and also to watch for any signs that may suggest instances of inattentiveness or confusion in the behavior for a particular student. In conclusion it is evident from the description of my classroom management strategy how imperative it is for any teacher to have a management system for their classroom.

I find it very important for a teacher to take into account various basic mistakes commonly made during the implementation of the behavior strategy. However, I believe that the management strategy should not be too rigid. Despite having laid down the rules and procedures for various occurrences in the class and the probable consequences upon contravening these rules, a teacher ought to use logic to solve various problems in the class. For instance, two students with a similar misbehavior may require a totally different intervention approach strategies. Hue, Ming-tak, and Wai-shing Li. Classroom Management: Creating a Positive Learning Environment. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, Yisrael, Sean B. Classroom Management: A Guide for Urban Schools Teachers.

We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. This means that instructors do not receive training and practice that would prepare them for using classroom management in practice, resulting in a discomfort similar to that felt by Mr.

The main task of such a teacher is to arrange the classroom to ensure that everything is an order and that the students are aware of the procedures and materials they have to learn. However, unfortunately, many educators misperceive this concept, understanding the main focus of this approach as a discipline Hulac and Briesch An interesting outlook on the issue described by Mr. X regarding the role of a classroom manager, especially in the context of continuing education is offered by Garett, who states that a misunderstanding of the concept of classroom management is common because educators may perceive it as having control An educator, however, is the central element of the education process because they present the material to the class, ask questions, and check the assignment.

With this approach, a student does not have enough autonomy over the course of studies. Classroom management involves a variety of methods and approaches that allow an educator to analyze the needs and learning capabilities of the class and choose techniques suitable for these individuals. This information suggests both the importance of this approach to education and the need to continuously improve the existing best practices. Overall, this case study highlights the issues that classroom managers encounter in their work due to the insufficient understanding of their role in the education process. However, it is essential for an educator to have a cohesive understanding of the contemporary approaches to education and allow students to lead the education process. Therefore, the answers that Mr.

should receive to allay his discomfort include the diversity of classroom management techniques and strategies and the lack of adequate guidelines, leading to concerns from many educators. New educators or neophytes may struggle with determining their professional identity and establishing themselves as a faculty member. X successfully applied this methodology during his lecture and created a positive learning environment for students encouraging behavior that aids learning. The following paragraphs will focus on examining the approach taken by Mr. X to evaluate the evidence suggesting that he managed the class. In order to identify the evidence suggesting that Mr.

X managed the class, it is necessary to examine the definition of classroom management and the main elements of it. Classroom management encompasses different approaches and techniques that teachers use to help students engage in the learning process. Arguably, Mr. According to Stough et al. As such, the focus on the interactionalist approach implies that the educator creates an environment where the students develop behavior systems that allow them to adjust their behavior for adequate learning. In the case of Mr. X, the students were provided with a lot of autonomy during the lecture. However, they were not passively listening, as the educator included several activities, such as a discussion and group work, allowing these individuals to be engaged in the process and learn best practices of education.

X ended the lecture by discussing the main aspects of the concepts that were defined during the lesson and by assessing feedback from students about the approaches he used during the lesson. This is an essential element of classroom management that teaches individuals to evaluate information and methodologies critically, as well as to learn about their personal preferred style of learning. Through feedback assessment, Mr. X was able to address the mentioned elements of education. The purpose of classroom management is to provide individuals with an ability to engage in the process of learning, instead of merely listening to a lecture or looking through the materials.

Sharma cites active learning and the use of multimedia as a vital component of modern classroom management 1. In this context, Mr. X successfully addressed the two domains since he showed students a video as an introduction to the topic. The role of teachers is to help them promote self-management and self-efficacy for further development. Garrett assumes that a classroom setting is a place where young children learn to communicate with peers, teachers, and other participants of the learning process. Young children should learn how to cope with different challenges and find practical solutions.

A teacher should teach children to develop these skills in every-day communication by providing discussions, games and training. Shindler argues that teachers should create a supportive atmosphere in the classroom setting in order to teach children to make personal decisions. In this age, children should distinguish what is right and what is wrong. Reading books encourages them to learn about the world and their place in it. Children start to learn how to manage their behavior and interact ethically in the classroom. This may be achieved through playing where every student plays a specific role. Teaching children how to improve their health also leads to the development of self-management.

Chat now Order now. Honesty, responsibility, compassion, reliability, and other essential ethical values should be developed in this age in children. Realizing their importance in the classroom setting, they will develop better behavior that will help them interact with each other more effectively. Yisrael suggests that self-efficacy helps students to think, behave, and feel in a proper way. Observational learning should become central in the teaching practice, in this age, children learn what they want to achieve in life. A teacher should design assignments involving students to evaluate and synthesize material instead of simply memorizing it.

Teachers should help students reflect what they learn. The latter should be motivated not only by desire to gain a high grade; they should understand the importance of new knowledge in their future development and growth.

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