Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Creationism vs evolution essay

Creationism vs evolution essay

In addition, the teachings in the bible on the right choices that one should creationism vs evolution essay have been proven to be the best choices since better consequences have been experienced. Work Cited "Creationism vs. Creationism and Evolution, creationism vs evolution essay. In conclusion, it is now up to an individual to decide whether to follow the evolutionists or be with the creationists. They have stood by the genesis creation that point at the first man being Adam. But then the earth was without form and it was filled with darkness. Methods used like carbon dating might have had some errors hence not completely perfect.


Where have we come from? How did we get here? In a bid to providing answers to them, two camps emerged and have thenceforth been at loggerheads with each other; they are the creationist camp and the evolutionist camp. Creationism, creationism vs evolution essay, strictly speaking, creationism vs evolution essay, is a religious concept which says that God created the universe because it is within his powers and knowledge to do so. Evolutionism refers to the change that occurs over time through which species become modified and diverge to produce multiple descendant species. However, while creationism gives a singular explanans for how things came to be, evolutionism supplies varied theories.

So it was that this finding a common ground or merging them into one or jettisoning one for the other has been the task of scientists and theologians for centuries. It has become common-placed that some scientists and theologians now come together to form one body in a bid to giving a synergized explanation of the creationism vs evolution essay of things. Evolutionary creationism or theistic evolutionism is that such body, and it opines that God created the universe through a natural process. Despite all of these, the conclusions of creationism, evolutionism and evolutionary creationism are still matters that need confirmation.

Just as no one can prove that God created the universe out of nothing, creationism vs evolution essay, so too no one can show that the big bang and natural selection were facts that happened sometimes ago in the past. It thus seems futile that we continue to find which of the two camps is correct, creationism vs evolution essay. Professional essay writing service - EssayMill. com [ essay writersessay writing service ]- get your essays written by expert creationism vs evolution essay writer. Experienced admission essay services - get your application essay written by pro essay writer from US.

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Creation Vs Evolution Where have we come from?

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How did we get here? In a bid to providing answers to them, two camps emerged and have thenceforth been at loggerheads with each other; they are the creationist camp and the evolutionist camp. Creationism, strictly speaking, is a religious concept which says that God created the universe because it is within his powers and knowledge to do so. Evolutionism refers to the change that occurs over time through which species become modified and diverge to produce multiple descendant species. However, while creationism gives a singular explanans for how things came to be, evolutionism supplies varied theories.

So it was that this finding a common ground or merging them into one or jettisoning one for the other has been the task of scientists and theologians for centuries. It has become common-placed that some scientists and theologians now come together to form one body in a bid to giving a synergized explanation of the origins of things. Evolutionary creationism or theistic evolutionism is that such body, and it opines that God created the universe through a natural process. Despite all of these, the conclusions of creationism, evolutionism and evolutionary creationism are still matters that need confirmation.

This signified the fall of humanity and a new beginning for the human race Mueller Christians believe in the story of creation because, according to their faith, this Supreme Being God is able to perform things beyond their understanding. They believe in supernatural things that God can perform and no man can explain. To Christians, the bible is a very important book as it helps them to know who they are, what they ought to do, the right choices that they ought to make and the consequences of those choices. In addition, the teachings in the bible on the right choices that one should make have been proven to be the best choices since better consequences have been experienced.

Christians believe in the bible because many prophecies that were prophesied long time ago have come to pass. There is a conflict between scientists and Christians which has been brought about by the evolutional theory. According to the evolution theory, all living organisms descended from a common ancestor. According to Charles Darwin the person who developed the theory , human beings developed from a common species of an animal known as ape. This contradicts the bible since the bible does not state anything close to that. I am therefore of the opinion that these two concepts, creation and evolution are not compatible. In evolution there is no creator. In fact, we are not even told where the ape originated from. According to the bible, God is the creator of all living things.

From the bible we are able to understand our origin, our purpose in life and this helps us to develop an insight as to why we should make some choices Guenther 1. Some geologists have also presented theories which suggest that the earth existed even before the biblical creation. I strongly believe that this is not true as there is no evidence to support this. As stated earlier, many things that were written in the bible have come to pass and therefore I have no doubt that the story of creation is true and real Robinson 1. The debate on evolution is a big dilemma. Some people advocate that evolution education should be taught in schools while others oppose this idea. In particular, many Christians oppose evolution theory as it contradicts what the bible says.

I am of the opinion that significant changes in species have occurred but the idea of one species evolving to other is quite questionable. However, Christians have a choice to believe or not to believe what the scientists say. They should therefore be careful as they make this decision, as they need to consider the impact it may have on their faith. Heaven and earth with everything in them were created by God according to the bible. Through faith, Christians strongly believe that God is the owner of the universe and everything that is in it. Scientists on the other hand have come up with a theory that says otherwise and it is therefore very crucial for Christians to decide what to believe in, keeping in mind their faith. Christians should also trust the bible as it is a prophetic book whose prophecies have come to pass.

Guenther, Allen. Creation: A Hermeneutical Study in Genesis Direction Journals, Mueller, John. New York, NY: Robinson, Alex. A brief history of the conflict between evolution and creation science. Religious Tolerance,

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