As mentioned earlier, lack of love and affection encourage the child to engage in violent activities. Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues 2nd ed. Of course, the supposed incident on tape that has circulated the semi-underground video circuit for decades included on "Faces of Death Volume V" is actually a essay on school violence staged reenactment of an event which probably never occurred in the first place. Related topics Violence Social Issues School Bullying Adolescence Child Abuse Media Violence Social Media Mental Disorder Neuroscience Research, essay on school violence. Significance of School Uniform — why it should be Required More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable in clothing for the fear that they will be judged.
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School Violence has been something that has changed the way we experience school, essay on school violence. School violence has been happening around the world and has just changed the way our safety is at school. School violence is very dangerous and very deadly. In this […]. Violence in school is a big problem, essay on school violence, there should be no reason our kids should be scared to come to school; according to the CDC, kids grades Kth are constantly at risk of potential violent outbreaks from gang memberships, hazing, peer pressure, and drug usage. Cyber-bullying has been a popular cause with the rise of […].
School violence is an activity that causes a dispute in the educational setting. It essay on school violence verbal and physical altercation. Besides, it is bullying through electronic ways or social […]. The University of Montreal recently completed a longitudinal research study to determine if there is a correlation between witnessing school violence and future behavior impairment. They also looked at if the correlations depended on what kind of violence was observed. With an increased rate in juvenile delinquency, I chose to discuss the violence in schools; underlining the root of the issue, what policies are currently in place, and what steps are needed to create a more effective policy to resolve the issue, essay on school violence.
Some of the risk factors of school and youth violence come from prior […]. Violence in schools is really bad for students. Some ways we could stop school violence. The first thing we could do is take guns away from households that have kids at an impressionable age. Violence in schools can start from anything and studies show that public schools have the most violence compared to private schools. Safety essay on school violence schools is very important all students should be able to walk in a school knowing that no one will be there to harm them but that will never happen violence is everywhere […]. School violence on students can essay on school violence psychological and physical pain. The physical pain they get can cause them to be hospitalized. Sometimes that school violence cause students to shoot up schools.
Students that watch aggressive TV show start to become tougher and less emotional. TV mainly […]. School shootings has only recently become a national concern. There are people who believe that those who commit the school shootings are actually victims themselves, and have been bullied. Others believe there is no correlation […]. Weapon-based violence in school can be traced back to the 19th century. According to an article by Matthew Pearl, the very first school shooting occurred in Charlottesville, Essay on school violence in when a student named Joseph Semmes shot professor John Anthony who after three days had died from his injuries. In this case, the trend shows […]. School shootings have been on the rise and are more prevalent than ever before.
One alarming trend is that the overwhelming majority of 21st-century shooters were adolescents, suggesting that it is now easier for […]. Violence in schools, particularly gang violence, has increased in the past XX years citation. Gang membership was once considered an issue only facing urban inner-city schools, however, gangs are now spread throughout suburban neighborhoods Sharkey, essay on school violence, Research has found that gang membership among students can significantly impact educational, social and emotional attainment citation. In schools, essay on school violence, […]. Many forms of violence are in public schools and are disrupting the lives of the students.
With all of these incidents in the news, […]. The April school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado transformed how the United States of America perceives bullying, violence, gun rights and the threat of a school attack. More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable essay on school violence clothing for the fear that they will be judged. That is why uniform is a perfect solution. It is a great way to avoid any issues associated with fashionable preferences among individuals. Students encounter these difficulties from when they pick out clothes to […].
For many children, trauma exposure is a common and chronic experience. Childhood trauma is a complex experience that can include abuse, maltreatment, and neglect and is a highly prevalent, major social problem of worldwide concern. The prevalence […]. Literature Review Violence in media such as, in television, video games, essay on school violence, or movies has raised a substantial amount of concern regarding its effects on certain populations. Media violence portrays various graphic images and scenes that convey criminal acts or horror-like graphics such as, blood.
Through studies of violence in mass media, there has been a […]. Instagram, snapchat, facebook etc… are forms of social media, a place where young teens and children can go on to express themselves. Now problems such as cyberbullying, distraction, depression and even narcissism has arised out of […]. In his essay, Jones explains how it is important for children to have a medium in which they can express their feelings in, instead of repressing them deep within themselves. Jones maintains […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect essay on school violence to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Essay on school violence my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics.
Growing Problem of School Violence School Violence has been something that has changed the way we experience school. Be Aware of School Violence Violence in school is a big problem, there should be no reason our kids should be scared to come to school; according to the CDC, kids grades Kth are constantly at risk of potential violent outbreaks from gang memberships, hazing, peer pressure, and drug usage. Witnessing Violence in High School Predicts Student Impairment The University of Montreal recently completed a longitudinal research study to determine if there is a correlation between witnessing school violence and future behavior impairment.
Issues of Violence in Schools With an increased rate in juvenile delinquency, I chose to discuss the violence in schools; underlining the root of the issue, essay on school violence policies are currently in place, and what steps are needed to create a more effective policy to resolve the issue, essay on school violence. Horror of Violence in Schools Violence in schools is really bad for students. Problem of Violence in Schools Some ways we could stop school violence. Reasons of Violence in Schools Violence in schools can start from anything and studies show that public schools have the most violence compared to private schools.
Effects of Multi Media on Violence in School School violence on students can cause psychological and physical pain. Effects of School Shootings School shootings has only recently become a national concern. Dealing with School-Based Weapon Violence Weapon-based violence in school can be traced back to the 19th century. Rise of School Shootings School shootings have been on the rise and are more prevalent than ever before. Gang Violence in Schools Violence in schools, particularly gang violence, essay on school violence increased in the past XX years citation.
Understanding the Problem of School Shootings The April school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado transformed how the United States of America perceives bullying, violence, gun rights and the threat of a school attack. Significance of School Uniform — why it should be Required More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable in clothing for the fear that they will be judged. The Impact of Exposure to Violence in School Aged Children and Cognitive Development For many children, trauma exposure is a essay on school violence and chronic experience. Violence Caused by Media Literature Review Violence in media such as, in television, video games, or movies has raised a substantial amount of concern regarding its effects on certain populations.
Does Multi Media have an Impact on Violence in Schools Instagram, snapchat, facebook etc… are forms of social media, a place where young teens and children can go on to express themselves. Related topics Violence Social Issues School Bullying Adolescence Child Abuse Media Violence Social Media Mental Disorder Neuroscience Research, essay on school violence. how it works. Tell Us Your Requirements Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Pick your perfect writer Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best. Get Your Paper and Pay Pay the writer only for a finished, plagiarism-free essay that meets all your requirements. Essay on school violence WRITING HELP. short deadlines. Certified writers.
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Christ is viewed less as Redeemer and more as Liberator. Evans discusses this same interpretation in black theology, which is, essentially, a continuation of Liberation Theology: "In spite of the ravages of their kidnapping and the disorientation that they endured, African slaves retained an outlook on their experience that continually reaffirmed their worth as individuals and as a people…The Jesus whom they encountered as they were exposed to the Bible was a caring and liberating friend who shared their sorrows and burdens" Yet, in black theology, Jesus does not bring grace through suffering that can perfect one's nature and lead one's soul to Heaven as classical theology insists ; in black theology, Jesus is the….
Works Cited Evans, James H. We Have Been Believers: An African-American Systematic Theology. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, Migliore, Daniel. Faith Seeking Understanding: an Introduction to Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Violence in video games and the role of culture. alone in Greitemeyer and Osswald, In this paper, video games refer to electronically controlled games played on any platform including console units, computers, internet, hand-held devices or various technology toys. In recent years, video games have redefined leisure activities among children as studies conducted in U. References Anderson, C. Human aggression.
Annu Rev Psychol, 53, Bushman, B. Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations: A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28 12 , Dill, K. Video game violence: A review of the empirical literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 3 4 , Funk, J. Preference for Violent Electronic Games, Self-Concept, and Gender Differences in Young Children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70 2 , othe values Moal chaacte, that is, having couage, being pesistent, dismissing distactions and so on in pusuit of the goal. These ae attempts to define ethics by descibing actions, and faily specific constellations of actions at that.
Fedeich Paulson, a 19th centuy philosophe of ethics, defined ethics as a science of moal duty Almost yeas late, Swenson also used the concept of study in defining ethics, saying that it included the systematic study of concepts such as ight and wong. Othe eseaches note that the idea of systematic study is common in dictionay definitions of ethics, with the Ameican Heitage Dictionay focusing on thee elements: " the study of moal philosophy, the ules of a pofession o moe boadly the chaacte of a community , and moal self-examination Soukhanov, Hill offes a 'definition' that is mainly pactical but also incopoates some theoetical content.
They believe that ethical…. references for confidentiality of records. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, Welfel, E. Psychologist as ethics educator: Successes, failures, and unanswered questions. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 23, Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues. Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: Standards, research, and emerging issues 2nd ed. Utilization of the data and collection of the data should be one of the main aims of the policy makers. The data can be used by the policymakers in order to develop the policies and implement these in order to make sure that improvement can be ensured Basch, , p.
One of the main roles that can be played by the policy makers includes reviewing the policies that have already been designed for the schools. How these previous policies have played roles in an improvement of academics of the children, their environments and their health are important parts of the review by the policymakers. It is important that funding is collected for the issues that affect health and academics of children. The policymakers should make sure that the importance of school-based health clinics that can play roles in looking after the needs of the students. Great levels…. References Basch, C. Executive Summary: Healthier Students Are Better Learners. Journal of School Health 81, pp. Bruzzese, J. Effects of a School-based Intervention for Urban Adolescents with Asthma: A Controlled Trial.
Care Med. April 15, , pp. Gall, G. Utility of Psychosocial Screening at a School-based Health Center. Journal of School Health 70, pages -- Geierstanger, P. School-Based Health Centers and Academic Performance: Research, Challenges, and Recommendations. Journal of School Health 74, pages -- This idea appears repeatedly. hen Billy proposes marriage to Valencia: Billy didn't want to marry ugly Valencia. She was one of the symptoms of his disease. He knew he was going crazy when he heard himself proposing marriage to her, when he begged her to take the diamond ring and be his companion for life, ibid p.
However, he was trapped in his life, for better or worse, such as the fact that Billy knew when he would be killed, yet didn't try to do anything about it. His death is compared with mankind's fate. At one point Billy discusses the problem of war with the Tralfamadorians p. They tell him that war is inevitable and he is stupid to try to change it. Humanity is trapped in his human nature, to create war and wreak death. Some people want peace, but they are naive and are unaware of human…. Works Cited Brifonski and Mendelson Eds. Contemporary Literary Criticism vol.
Detroit: Gale Research Co. Riley, Carolyn Editor ; Contemporary Literary Criticism vol. Riley, Carolyn and Barbara Harte Editors ; Contemporary Literary Criticism vol. Vit, Marek. Violence in the Family, Violence Against Children is a Cycle To have a rational understanding of the cycle of violence and abuse that occurs within families as a result of past sexual abuse and present drug abuse upon the heads of the family, one must seek explanations for such bad parental behavior without excusing the negative behavior on the part of the adults themselves. If no causes of violence can be determined, and only legal vengeance is enacted against the perpetrators of abuse, then merely punishment will occur and the cycle of violence and hatred will never end.
It is better to redress such crimes, moreover, with an eye to reforming the family, rather than in a spirit of retributive justice. An example of this can be seen in the child psychologist Torey Hayden's book One Child. In her text, the author and teacher chronicle the abuse of one of…. Works Cited Hayde, Torey. One Child. Avon, Kruger, February 7, Petersburg Times. Front Page. Given that people engage in sporting events for a wide range of reasons, the authors assert that it is time for athletes to develop a moral code that embraces higher standards of conduct that will help reverse these recent trends and once again provide American sports with a sense of fair play and respect.
Fredenburg, Karen, Rafer Lutz, Glenn Miller et al. In this essay, the authors report that there have been a number of recent studies and reports that suggest that the pressure in high school sports is growing, rather than declining. The authors cite an article in Sports Illustrated that described the alarming trends of parental misbehavior at youth sport events. The president…. The document states this in this wording United Nations : Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of the Rights of the Child of and in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly on 20 November and recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in particular in articles 23 and 24 , in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in particular in article 10 and in the statutes and relevant instruments of specialized agencies and international organizations concerned with the welfare of children.
Thus under the leadership of the United Nations, many different groups have joined forces to improve the quality of lives of children around the world. Opposing Arguments Many people have defended the Chinese culture and…. Works Cited Garvin, G. Miami Herald Books. Intlekofter, K. John Hopkins Magazine. Jiali, G. Pedro, B. The Economy of Meaning. Metal Detectors in Schools When confronted with a frightening phenomena, people often tend only to look at the symptom, rather than the underlying cause, and in turn they end up making the problem worse, as in the case of installing metal detectors in schools in an attempt to stop violence. Although at first glance installing a metal detector might seem like an obvious choice towards making schools safer, this kind of thinking only makes the problem worse by wasting time and energy on a "solution" that ignores the larger problem, is not actually effective, and harms the very people it is meant to protect.
Examining these three faults in greater detail will reveal how the use of metal detectors is born out an ignorant, careless approach to safety that harms the public while making money for a few self-interested parties. The first problem with using metal detectors in schools is…. The hidden cost of school security. Journal of Education Finance, 36 3 , Hartnett, S. The annihilating public policies of the prison-industrial complex; or, crime, violence, and punishment in an age of neoliberalism. Preventing lethal violence in schools:. Exposure to Community Violence: Intervention The purpose of this work is to research exposure to community violence by school-age children and further to examine the intervention methods utilized in dealing with the trauma and associated psychological factors.
Intervention being implemented early is key in assisting school-age children in coping with trauma and the associated symptoms and conditions both emotionally and psychologically for avoidance of complicating the condition or other results in permanent damage. What the Professionals have to Say: Exposure to trauma and violence is a risk that is at a "disconcertingly high level[s]" according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers have noted that there are 'certain limitations and knowledge' and that there is need for more research in this area and a more comprehensive long-term analysis. ender, Study performed by Cognitive ehavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools; A study performed by the Los Angeles School….
shtml Sieger, Karin et al. it are very important to avoid any form of misconception when it comes to violence in schools. it is also important to ensure that trust is built between adults and students. it is also necessary to build an interdisciplinary as well as trained threat assessment team NASP esources, Juvenile gangs There has been an increase in the number of juvenile gangs that are being formed. The gang problem is one which is continuing to grow within the community, it is important to find out the factors which drive juveniles into joining gangs. Joining gangs is consists of both pulls and pushes. The pulls entail the attractiveness of gangs. These include prestige associated with gang membership from friends.
The gangs also provide attractive opportunities such as chances of excitement through selling drugs and getting money. Therefore most juveniles end up choosing to join gangs. There is some social. cultural or economic forces…. References American Psychological Association. Warning signs of youth violence. aspx NASP Resources Threat Assessment: Predicting and Preventing school violence. In contrast, TV influences children in abandoning the theories they were taught and embrace other concepts, most related to violence. Also, after being exposed to TV violence children feel that it is perfectly natural for them to behave similar to the characters on TV Langone, , p. It is extremely important for a child to be assisted by an adult when watching TV.
Studies have shown that children are influenced by the way adults perceive TV programs, meaning that a child is likely to gain a better understanding of right and wrong when he or she is supported by a mature individual. Even with that, TV violence can negatively influence children, as they will merely hide their aggression in the cases when they are assisted by an adult who disapproves of violent behavior in watching TV Langone, , p. Children are generally willing to do anything in ordered…. Works cited: 1. Barker, M. New York: Routledge. Hoffman, A. Westport, CT: Praeger. Josephson, W. cfm 4. Langone, J. Boston: Little, Brown. Campus Violence on K Setting To Whom it May Concern, I am planning to research the effects of offering a martial arts program regiment within the school on school violence among elementary, middle, and high school students.
Search of ERIC databases has generated little prior research on this topic. Many studies have shown that martial arts have many beneficial effects on the emotional and physical well-being of those who participate in martial arts classes and studies. Other studies have linked school violence to a number of sources, including low self-esteem of those who experience violent outbursts, the stress caused by the school environment, the physical inactivity levels of a student sitting in class daily, and the often abusive and humiliating nature of the physical education programs that are traditionally offered in school, among many other factors.
Additionally, many bullies chose to pick on those who have little or no self-defense…. Campus Violence for K Setting What measurable outcome do you choose to explain? I wish to explain the effect that having martial arts-based classes offered as a regular regiment for students would have on the total number of violent incidents, as well as what the severity of this violence is, occurring on campus among students. How would you measure the outcome? School nurses, administrators, and teachers would all be asked to keep record of any witnessed or reported violent acts committed on campus at the school where the program would be implemented.
The study would ideally take place over the course of an extended period of time so that the gradual changes and variations in data would be evident. The total number of violent incidents occurring each day, each week, each month, and each semester would be calculated, as well as how often medical attention was necessary for the involved…. Decisions by School Superintendents Improper Attitude and Unprofessional Conduct of Teachers To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society - President Theodore oosevelt. That teaching is at one and the same time an intellectual as well as a moral endeavor, is an idea that is well entrenched in the minds of men since centuries past.
The sayings of great teachers of ancient times bear ample testimony to this premise, which continues to hold sway across nations and vastly differing civilizations over the years. In the sense that it takes care of the general well being of young students entrusted to the care of an educational institution and ensures that they are treated fairly and accorded the respect they are due as persons, teaching is most certainly a moral activity. It is concerned with building and maintaining relationships of trust with pupils…. References Anderson, D. Knowledge for Policy: Improving Education through Research. New York: The Falmer Press. Ave, M. Jesuit High teacher fired amid misconduct claim. Barth, R. Improving schools from within. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Benson, P.
All Kids Are Our Kids: What Communities Must Do To Raise Caring and Responsible Children and Adolescents. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. school uniforms within a school system. Ideas such as school discipline, student behavior, and academic achievement are discussed along with examples of why different schools have implemented student use of uniforms. Various viewpoints are presented, along with proponents and opponents concerns for the actual implementation of uniforms. There are many opposing arguments on the issue of whether public school students in the United States should be required to wear uniforms or obey dress codes.
Improvement of discipline and academic performance, reduction of fashion competition among students are a few of the reasons given in support of implementing school uniforms. However, the opposing viewpoints maintain that requiring school uniforms are a violation of students' First Amendment right to…. Works Cited Brunsma, David. Clinton, William J. Text of Presidential Memo to Secretary of Education on School Uniforms Washington DC: U. Newswire, Transcript of Presidential Radio Address to the Nation. Washington DC: U. Threats of Violence in Counseling and Psychotherapy There is an urban legend about an incident at a mental hospital caught on video: a psychotic patient at a hospital, who has a history of threatening violent acts, manages to smuggle a screwdriver from a workman.
This patient, armed with said screwdriver, barricades himself into a room, takes a nurse hostage, and does not respond well to the attempts made by psychiatrists and police officers alike. n the end, the mental patient stabs the nurse hostage fatally in the neck with the screw driver. Of course, the supposed incident on tape that has circulated the semi-underground video circuit for decades included on "Faces of Death Volume V" is actually a poorly staged reenactment of an event which probably never occurred in the first place. However, tales such as these have inevitably become a part of the universal subconscious of a modern society….
It may be beneficial to refer any students showing warning signs to the school counselor, but this will only be beneficial if that counselor is sympathetic, knowledgeable, ethical, and holding every student's best interest in mind. It is additionally important to ensure that the counseling sessions do not interfere with school and social activities to the degree that they actually incite more frustration, anger, and hostility for the student in question! Recommending a student speak with the school counselor is not usually dangerous ground legally. However, making this mandatory can have legal implications, and certainly making mandatory sessions with a psychotherapist a condition of continued attendance at the school can backfire.
Administrators and school counselors need to work together to create a supportive school environment that fosters communication between students, teachers, and counselors, so that potential problems can be identified early and addressed while there is time to avoid damage to the student, his or her peers, or school property. Based on the findings that "there is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against clinician counseling of asymptomatic adolescents and adults to prevent morbidity and mortality from youth violence" Counseling to Prevent Youth Violence , it can be assumed that students will not have an undesirable reaction from continued counseling to help deal with issues of violence in schools.
When dealing with threats of domestic violence, there are many considerations that must be carefully weighed in determining the best approach. Counselors and psychotherapists may offer help directly to the victims of or witnesses to domestic violence. Others approach the situation by counseling the batterers, or perpetrators of domestic violence. There are some counseling organizations that focus on breaking the cycle of violence by counseling the abusers, as well as their victims. However, the domestic abuser has been thoroughly demonized in our society. Whether the abuse is physical, emotional, or otherwise, certainly these actions cannot be justified.
However, the AMEND group explains that: Domestic violence will never go away if we provide services only to the victims. Abusive men can change if they have the Computer Games esearch When considering the short history of computers, video and PC gaming are very recent on the timeline of technology. With the ever-increasing interest and involvement of children in this activity, much concern has been expressed about the impact of these games, especially ones of a more violent nature, on physical and psychological development. At the crux of the debate is the question of whether they are detrimental to a young person's health. There are specific concerns about such factors as aggression, addiction, criminal activity, obesity and reduced academic achievement.
Studies thus far show both positive and negative results from playing video and PC games. Some research finds that the playing or observing of violent…. References Cited Anderson, C. Dill "Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings, and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, , 78, Ask, A. Winefield, "To kill or not to kill: Competitive aggression in Australian adolescent males during videogame play. van Feilitzen and U. Carlsson Eds. Goteborg, Sweden: UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children and Violence on the Screen, Bowman, R.
Tan, The issue remains debatable, but a case can be made that the mainstream judgment was terribly wrong in a cultural sense" right Schools and educational institutes play a vital role in teaching religious traditions and imparting knowledge regarding religion. The most important aspect of teaching religion is to adopt proper method of teaching. Avoiding controversial and extremist point-of-views and including positive elements from religious teachings from various religions could help in developing tolerance in the generation that growing in the era when religious violence is at its peak. Other School of Thought The other school of thought makes the case against religion when it comes to controlling violence.
They argue that it is the religion that encourages violence simple on the basis of religious differences. People belonging to one religion consider them superior to others. Examples of all major religions including Christianity can be given when these religions induced…. Works Cited Wright, Elliott a. Phi Delta Kappan. Volf, Miroslav. The Christian Century. April 10, : Bennett, Gary L 'Preventing School Violence: Is Religion the Answer'. Free Inquiry. Fall : Vernon, Glenn M. Sociology of Religion. New York: McGraw-Hill, police protection at schools in light of the sniper attacks as well as the school shootings that have occurred over the years.
The paper presents a study proposal and a critique of literature about the public's desire and willingness to support police protection being placed in elementary and middle schools on a daily basis. There were five sources used to complete this paper. One of the things that Americans pride themselves on is the freedom that is afforded by living here. That freedom includes the refusal to become a police state or anything that represents a police state. Currently the nation is at a crossroads however, when it comes to the students in schools. For the last several years students have been shooting students, strangers have been shooting students and most recently the DC sniper has targeted students.
Parents are becoming less and less sure of the school's abilities to…. References Colavecchio, Shannon HOUSE PASSES MALONEY SCHOOL COPS BILL. Gold, Maria Police Presence in Schools Is An Asset, Report Says; Resource Officers Handle Mostly Minor Incidents. Gangs in Public School Many schools especially in urban and suburban areas continue to register gang-related activities within their premises and involving their students. This study appreciates the dangers associated with such gangs to the schools and other stakeholders around them. Various laws and regulation have been passed in different states in the U.
allow parents to withdraw their children from certain public schools. Schools reputed for gang-related problems stand to lose students. This paper provides the scope of action steps in which schools take to intervene, prevent, and suppress the scope of violent gang activity while establishing crisis response plans. The strategies are developed to address potential actions of school violence including gang activity. Gang members bring in their attitudes, behaviors, and conflicts to the school compounds. The dangerous gang issues and activities of a given community take place within local schools. Gang members take on each other within…. References Branch, C. Adolescent Gangs: Old Issues, New Approaches. Garot, R. Who You Claim: Performing Gang Identity in School and on the Streets.
NYU Press Kinnear, K. Gangs: A Reference Handbook. New York: ABC-CLIO. Macnab, N. Uncle Sam's Schoolhouse: Bullying, Predators, and Students. New York: Dog Ear Publishing. Internet: Privacy for High School Students An Analysis of Privacy Issues and High School Students in the United States Today In the Age of Information, the issue of invasion of privacy continues to dominate the headlines. More and more people, it seems, are becoming victims of identity theft, one of the major forms of privacy invasion, and personal information on just about everyone in the world is available at the click of a mouse.
In this environment, can anyone, especially high school students, reasonably expect to have any degree of privacy? High school students, after all, are not protected by many of the same constitutional guarantees as adults, but their needs for privacy may be as great, or greater, than their adult counterparts. To determine what measure of privacy, if any, high schools students can expect at home and school today, this paper provides an overview of the issue of…. References Alarming Number of Teens Addicted to the Internet.
Korea Times, 3. Albanes, R. Marijuana, Juveniles, and the Police: What High-School Students Believe about Detection and Enforcement. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 40 4 , Black's law dictionary. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co. If these people control everything, their agenda will very likely inform the type of schooling that is provided to young people. If parents do not want their children to be educated according to the agenda of the oligarchy, they should have the option of providing alternative schooling, such as homeschooling, charter schools, and so on. I would personally favor homeschooling because I like to be in control of education myself, but having time for it can be difficult if you are already working full time, so charter schools would be another option.
Finding a school that is safe…. Reasonable suspicion -- A carefully considered presumption, based on specific facts and circumstances, that a person is probably involved in criminal activity. efore an officer can act on this level of suspicion, he must have enough knowledge to lead any reasonably cautious person to conclude that a crime has been or is about to be committed by the suspect. The 4th amendment dictates that all people are guaranteed against unreasonable searches or seizures of their person or personal effects. Still though a student has less of this right due to court's giving more leeway to schools in the name of student safety and well-being. Is this an invasion of the student's privacy?
Student privacy or lack of privacy in school, how much privacy should the students have or need? A locker is the only place…. Bibliography American Civil Liberties Union of Utah. Search and seizure. Personal Privacy. The intention is to help promote neighborhood unity rather than criminal enforcement as a way of bringing long-term improvement to the lives of our students. aatinen, 1 Staffing Plan: Staffing would be comprise of an already existing teaching staff. Our educators would be provided with suitable training similar to the cultural training preceding our transition into Flight School status. Action Planning: The primary objective is to develop a curriculum centered around current knowledge, open-discussion format and planned community engagement as endorsed by articles such as that by aatinen Responsibilities include non-judgment and the provision of accurate information.
The Plan should be implemented a year from acceptance of this proposal. Evaluation: The goals of the program will be evaluated by using surveys, to be conducted amongst educators and families. Communication: The goals of the program will be communicated to the public through local town hall style meetings. Bibliography The following…. Jaatinen, J. Drugs at school: How the school community addresses the problem within an interactional framework. Contemporary Drug Problems, Jeynes, W. The relationship between the consumption of various drugs by adolescents and their academic achievement. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Lowry, R. Cohen, L.
Modzeleski, W. Kann, L. Collins, J. Kolbe, L. School violence, substance use, and availability of illegal drugs on school property among U. high school students. Journal of School Health, Rap Music: The Result of Violence Rap music is a phenomenon that is unparalleled in America, at no other time has a music form risen in such a way and gripped a nation as fully. While, rap music has its roots in the ghettos of the U. And black culture, it is now a full scale industry that caters to the disenfranchised youth of America and bridges all gaps of culture and social level. Indeed, one of the currently most famous rappers, and relevant to this topic, is white, as are most of the current buyers and listeners to rap music.
Violence and rap music are interwoven in such a way that it is impossible to completely untwine them but looking at the cause and results of violence is a different topic that needs going into as it has far reaching implications, including the government control of the music industry. Bibliography Villani, Susan. The National Media Violence Study, Federman, , , , "Preventing and Producing Violence: A Critical Analysis of Responses to School Violence. Bayles, Martha. Hole In Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music, by, New York: The Free Press, Doherty, Brian. Listen up! Eminem gives a voice to his generation, February 18, , issue of the Detroit News. Gun Safety Be Taught in Schools? The purpose of this mixed method study by Cecelia Obeng was to ascertain the need for teaching gun safety to students in pre-K to grade 6.
Additionally, the researchers hoped to determine who teachers felt were most qualified to teach children about gun safety and to determine if gun safety were to be, taught the most appropriate grade level. In there were 3, firearms related deaths in among children aged 15 and younger. Approximately one-third of U. homes with children have firearms. esearch indicates that levels of firearm deaths among children are closely related to the availability of guns in the home. This study was conducted in two counties in a single…. References Obeng, C. Should schoool safety be taught in schools? Perspectives of teachers. Journal of School Heatlh. Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education.
At the same time, the school environment and classroom are relatively safe and protected, but also restrictive in terms of insulating students from the world in general. To strike a balance between safety and learning, teachers often elect to include excursions beyond the boundaries of the school. These field trips are designed to provide students with a practical learning experience to supplement the information they are expected to internalize within the classroom. To maximize the positive effects of this experience, the Western Australian Department of Education has created a policy document to divulge the specific requirements for student safety during such trips.
This is then also the stated background of the policy, in that any risk factors related to excursions outside the school premises need to mitigated in such a way…. I agree wholeheartedly with the author. Random acts of kindness do make the world and our society a better place. We need to become more aware of the connections between people. We do need to smile more, treat others with deep respect, and recognize the impact our actions have on other people. Instead of walking around angry all day, we need to develop a positive frame of mind and speak and act with kindness. Universal health care would reflect a deep change in our culture. We have become so focused on our independence that we forgot the value of sharing and caring.
Our selfishness and greed has led to a situation in which most Americans cannot afford adequate healthcare. Yet Americans are afraid of making small sacrifices that could benefit our society such as paying slightly more taxes to fund a truly universal system…. The reluctance of going to the school assumed to lie at home. It is assumed that the child has an inclination to stay at home where the well being of the parent is guaranteed. In turn the parents visualize the problem of intimidation of their children to prevalent in schools.
The psychologists however find that the inclination towards avoidance of the schools is the consequence of various elements with their reaction to both home and school stressors. The contemporary thought on school phobia depicts that there are some children who denies attending school as a result of separation anxiety. School Phobia Most of the children reluctant to go to school are between the ages years. In case of some the reluctance is as an effort to avoid uncomfortable feelings associated with school. The phobia is associated with the fear of being criticized or evaluated. Sometimes the particular activities like…. References Anandalakshmy. The child at school. Accessed on 16 February, Bullying in schools. Accessed on 16 February, Hogan, Maureen. School Phobia.
Nassau County Psychologist. Accessed on 16 February, Starting School. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Accessed on 16 February, The author of the article, "Achieving the Challenge: Meeting Standards in the Continuation High School" Stits, related that "prior to , many continuation high schools existed in districts where expectations were limited to keeping the students in school as much as possible," and also the ideas was to keep those continuation students "away from the traditional high school campus. But eventually, the image of continuations schools in California changed, as communities more and more were trying to prevent school dropouts, and the need for a high school diploma became more important, as well, Stits writes.
In an article in the journal Thrust…. Works Cited Arlington Public Schools. Alternative Education: Purpose, Mission, Beliefs. Retrieved Nov. Community College Week. Violence in schools is really bad for students. Some ways we could stop school violence. The first thing we could do is take guns away from households that have kids at an impressionable age. Violence in schools can start from anything and studies show that public schools have the most violence compared to private schools. Safety in schools is very important all students should be able to walk in a school knowing that no one will be there to harm them but that will never happen violence is everywhere […]. School violence on students can cause psychological and physical pain.
The physical pain they get can cause them to be hospitalized. Sometimes that school violence cause students to shoot up schools. Students that watch aggressive TV show start to become tougher and less emotional. TV mainly […]. School shootings has only recently become a national concern. There are people who believe that those who commit the school shootings are actually victims themselves, and have been bullied. Others believe there is no correlation […]. Weapon-based violence in school can be traced back to the 19th century. According to an article by Matthew Pearl, the very first school shooting occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia in when a student named Joseph Semmes shot professor John Anthony who after three days had died from his injuries.
In this case, the trend shows […]. School shootings have been on the rise and are more prevalent than ever before. One alarming trend is that the overwhelming majority of 21st-century shooters were adolescents, suggesting that it is now easier for […]. Violence in schools, particularly gang violence, has increased in the past XX years citation. Gang membership was once considered an issue only facing urban inner-city schools, however, gangs are now spread throughout suburban neighborhoods Sharkey, Research has found that gang membership among students can significantly impact educational, social and emotional attainment citation. In schools, […]. Many forms of violence are in public schools and are disrupting the lives of the students.
With all of these incidents in the news, […]. The April school shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado transformed how the United States of America perceives bullying, violence, gun rights and the threat of a school attack. More often than we may know, people struggle to feel comfortable in clothing for the fear that they will be judged. That is why uniform is a perfect solution. It is a great way to avoid any issues associated with fashionable preferences among individuals. Students encounter these difficulties from when they pick out clothes to […].
For many children, trauma exposure is a common and chronic experience. Childhood trauma is a complex experience that can include abuse, maltreatment, and neglect and is a highly prevalent, major social problem of worldwide concern. The prevalence […]. Literature Review Violence in media such as, in television, video games, or movies has raised a substantial amount of concern regarding its effects on certain populations. Media violence portrays various graphic images and scenes that convey criminal acts or horror-like graphics such as, blood. Through studies of violence in mass media, there has been a […]. Instagram, snapchat, facebook etc… are forms of social media, a place where young teens and children can go on to express themselves. Now problems such as cyberbullying, distraction, depression and even narcissism has arised out of […].
In his essay, Jones explains how it is important for children to have a medium in which they can express their feelings in, instead of repressing them deep within themselves. Jones maintains […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check.
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