Short-term effects include dry eyes, cell membrane essay, cell membrane essay vision, eye fatigue and excessive tearing. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, 4 Bechara FG, Sand M, Altmeyer P. Does Obesity Cause Diabetes Type 2 Words: Length: 10 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : UK: Wiley and Sons. muscles work by contracting; at the cellular level, the muscle fibers actually cling together and shorten when activated,… References Cluett, J.
cells require a layer to separate the inside of the cell from the outside world. Cells have a semi-permiable membrane which controls what can and cannot enter the cell. In animal cells, as well as some others, this membrane is all that separates the cell from its surroundings. Plant cells, and many single-celled organisms such as bacteria have a rigid cell wall beyond the membrane that provides structure. Buck Cell cell membrane essay act as the cell's gatekeeper, but are not especially rigid or strong. Cell walls can limit the entry of certain types of molecules, but they do not provide the fine-grained traffic control function of the membrane.
Cell walls, however are rigid and strong. Cell membranes are semi-permeable; they only allow certain molecules to enter and exit. Some molecules, such as cell membrane essay can pass through the membrane through osmosis or diffusion. This process does not require any energy to be…. Andreas, Lpp. February, July, Cell Division All living things are complex organisms that are made up of cells. Some are made up of a single cell while others comprise of numerous cells working together. Cells are the basic functional and structural units of living organisms and are known to be the building blocks of life. In humans it is from a group of cells that tissues are made and from tissues that organs are made which enable beings to live.
Cells obtain food and oxygen through their membranes and each membrane has a specific area which can serve contents of only a given volume. Any increase in volume of the cell requires that the area of the membrane increases. Basically, when cells grow the membrane becomes insufficient in aiding the movement of substances cell membrane essay and out and thus to maintain a favourable surface area to volume ratio, cell division must take place. Furthermore, cell…. References Bolsover, S. Shephard, H. White, cell membrane essay, and J. Cell Biology: A Short Course.
Wiley- Blackwell, Conger, Krista. Morgan, David. The Cell Cycle: Principles of Control. New Science Press, Only if the cell can take in nourishment and excrete waste can the other components of the cell like the mitochondria engage in their essential tasks. hen a cell can take in nourishment and excrete wastes, this is the surest first sign of independent life The problem is that the Cell-u-life Corporation wants an artificial cell that can do more than nourish itself. It wants a cell that can take the place of living stem cells and reproduce, cell membrane essay, and it is not certain of aerogels can do this, cell membrane essay. Thus another possibility is trying to create lipid-like cell membrane essay to make cell membranes in the lab from fat cells in the body that do not come from human sources such as embryos but can reproduce like fat cells, cell membrane essay.
orks Cited Team receives grant to study artificial cell membranes. Stanford News: Press Release. Works Cited Team receives grant to study artificial cell membranes, cell membrane essay. With our progressing knowledge in molecular biology and the increasing understanding of the various signaling pathways there is no question of doubt that in the near future the prognosis for OSCC would be considerably improved, cell membrane essay. As with any other disease, prevention is better cell membrane essay cure. Avoiding the well-known risk factors, a well-balanced nutritional plan and regular dental health checkups are the most effective means of preventing Oral cancers.
Chidzonga, L. Mahomva, 'Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, maxillary antrum and lip in a Zimbabwean population: A descriptive epidemiological study, Oral Oncology,Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 3 National Cancer Institute, 'Oral Cavity', Accessed Jan 15th…. pdf 4 Keyvan Nouri, 'Skin Cancer: Oral Cancer', McGraw-Hill Professional, Cell is important because it is the building block of the body. It is cell membrane essay replicating organism that has proteins and cytoplasm and nucleic acids inside a membrane Alberts Cells are in everything from humans to plants, though each representation of life has its own particular cells. Cells are very small and impossible to see with a microscopic lens. That is why the cell was not actually noticed until such technology came along in the 17th century.
Indeed, the name cell, which means small room in Latin, comes from the discoverer of the cell, who thought they looked like the small rooms that monks in the medieval era used to live in, which were called cells Karp, Essentially, all living organisms are made up of cells and if there were no cells there would be no life. So the cell is very important. What do cells do? References Alberts, B. Molecular Biology of the Cell. UK: Taylor and Francis. Karp, G. Cell and Molecular Biology. UK: Wiley and Sons, cell membrane essay. Eukaryotic Cell vs.
Prokaryotic Cell: There are two types of cells found, that originate from a common ancestor - The prokaryotes and eukaryotes. While Prokaryotes cell membrane essay organisms without a cell nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles and are mostly unicellular, but some exceptions are found. In contrast Eukaryotes have their cells have complex structures by internal membranes and a cytoskeleton. The principal membrane bound structure is the nucleus. All animals, plants, fungi, and protists are eukaryotes. Diffen, Prokaryotes were the only form of life on Earth until the more complex eukaryotes evolved from them. Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells: The distinctions between these two types of cells cell membrane essay the differences in organisms Thus the groups of organisms that belong basically to the prokaryotes are non-membranous and in contrast the eukaryotes contain membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, while prokaryotic cells do not.
Though this is the basic difference, the…. References Cooper, GM. Prokaryotic cells are significantly smaller than eukaryotic cells. This size difference is due to the many contents inside a eukaryotic cell that prokaryotic cells do not have. Prokaryotic cells do not have any membrane-bound organelles inside them, such as the nucleus, mitochondria, or lysosome as eukaryotic cells do. The number of ribosomes inside a prokaryotic cell is a lot less than those contained in a eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotic ribosomes are about 70s while…. References: Murray, Patrick R. Manual of Clinical Microbiology.
Washington, D. Nester, E. Microbiology: A human perspective. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Different Fuel Cell Technologies U. S Department of Energy provides the description of different fuel cell technologies. The fuel cell technologies are differentiated according to their efficiency, operating temperatures, costs and application. The classifications are based on 6 major groups: Alkaline fuel cell AFCPhosphoric acid fuel cell PAFCSolid oxide fuel cell SOFCMolten carbonate fuel cell MCFCProton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC ; Direct methanol fuel cell DMFC. Alkaline fuel cell AFC The AFC generates electrical power using alkaline electrolyte KOH cell membrane essay hydroxide in water-based solution.
The presence of hydroxyl ions within the electrolyte allows a circuit to extract electric energy. The illustration in Fig 2 reveals an alkaline fuel cell, cell membrane essay. As being revealed in Fig 2, two hydrogen gas molecules combines with 4 hydroxyl ions have a negative charge to release 4 electrons and 4 water molecules. The equation 4 reveals the reaction of oxidation that takes…. References Andujar, J. M, Segura F. Fuel cells: history and updating. A walk along two centuries. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, cell membrane essay. Grove, W. On a Gaseous Voltaic Battery, cell membrane essay.
Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. XXI: -- Kordesch, K. Alkaline fuel cells applications, innovative energy technology.
critical lens essay example
PubMed Central. American Society for Cell Biology, De Vita, V. And Theodore, S. Galvagno, S. Emergency Pathophysiology: Clinical Applications for Prehospital Care. Teton NewMedia, Michael, J. Fundamentals of Medical Physiology. Thieme, Biopsychology Nature and nature psychology explains the behavior of man and the origin of individual differences and their personalities. Nature and nature theories explain the origin of individual differences and type development of personality. In the history of developmental psychology, heredity- environment issue has been identified as the central touchstone of theoretical differences between nature and nurture. Darwin's theory of evolution has impact on notions of human origin and their abilities. In this theory the environment does the selecting on organisms and not vice versa; natural selection dictates that organisms will survive best in the environments they find themselves.
Nature- nurture discussions imply that Darwin's evolutionary theory is nature driven, while it contains an interaction of both nature and nurture. Galton a psychologist uses twins in his studies to differentiate between nature and nurture. The study shows that twins had little variation on their similarities despite exposure to different environments. physical properties diffusion structure function epithelia epithelial cells digestive circulatory systems animals larger end larger. It consists of cells usually arranged in sheets or tubules that are attached to the underlying basement membrane" Epithelia, , SUNY. One of the problems for the epithelium is that as a cell grows larger, the cell's volume increases at an exponentially faster rate than the cell's overall surface area.
This could place a limit on the cell's size, since it limits the speed substances coming into the cell can diffuse throughout the entity Moffatt References Epithelia. SUNY Downstate Medical Center. html Moffatt, J. Hillfield-Strathallan College Hamilton, Ontario. Retrieved at:. Fantastic Voyage Through the Body The man is eating a hamburger and French fries while drinking a root beer. He is mechanically separating the food into smaller units, and then he is swallowing it. For this exercise, it is important to realize that there are four different types of material that will be absorbed by the body and that they are all absorbed differently.
These are fiber from the leafy greens on the hamburger, fats from the hamburger and French fries, proteins from the hamburger, and carbohydrates in many forms which make up the bulk of the meal. They start off in a common area, but they end up going through different processes to either leave or remain in the body. The first part of the journey is taken by all of the nutrition types. The man bites off a chunk of burger or fires, or drinks a swallow of…. References Andrews, T. How is protein digested? Busse, A. How are dietary fats absorbed into the body. How are carbohydrates digested, absorbed, and eliminated?
Role of fiber in food digestion. living things are characterized by the following seven characteristics namely mobility, respiration, excretion, sensitivity or response to external stimulus, growth, feeding, and reproduction. Though there may be variations between animal and plant kingdom ex, plants take in carbon dioxide and prepare their own food , these characteristics are commonly observed among all living things. iology is a very broad field that encompasses the study of characteristics of living things. It includes botany, zoology and all other sub-disciplines that range from microbiology to evolution and ecology.
Evolution is the branch of biology that deals with the study of natural development of living organisms and the changes in them over time. Evolution refers to the heritable changes that occur in a population over a period of time. All the diversity that is observed currently in plant and animal kingdom can be ascribed to evolution over a long period of time. Atoms are the…. Transcription is a process that genetic information on the DNA copies into NA and the DNA acts as the template for the new molecules of NA. Transcription process begins with the DNA double helix unwinding as the hydrogen bonds holding the opposing bases breaks and the DNA strands are uncoupled.
The process occurs within the cytoplasm of a prokaryote and in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Transcription process consists of three steps; initiation, elongation, termination, and are regulated by transcription factors that include protein products of the genes. The protein products regulate at postranscriptional levels every time. Initiation of transcription begins with enzyme NA polymerase that identifies and attaches to DNA at the promoter and transcription of the DNA template starts. An initiation complex forms by association of 50 proteins different from each other required by NA polymerase II. NA polymerase synthesizes polynucleotides of NA from the template of DNA. References Latchman, D. Eukoryotic Transcription Process.
New York: Cengage Learning. Alvis, F. New Approach to Translation Process. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Singer, M. Genes and Genomes. Campbell, M. London: Oxford University Press. Corynebacterium diphtheria. The answered. The pdf file attached referenced. The paper written format a scientific paper a microbiology. These textbooks great sources reference: Willey, J. Corynebacterium diphtheriae is a bacterium that is pathogenic and is the leading cause of diphtheria. Due to the resemblance in their shape and sizes, bacteria and archaea were earlier classified as one but on discovery of their metabolic and biochemical differences, it was determined that they had different evolution histories. The bacillus falls under the nonlipophilic fermentative bacteria in classification.
Structurally, it possesses cell membranes formed from a combination of the hydroxyl group and fatty acids. Unlike the bacteria, the archaea has linkages that contain ether bonds Willey, The cell wall of C. diphtheriae is made up of peptidoglycan bonds which is a great variance from that of the archaea which contains no such bonds. Another major cutting edge factor that classifies C. Lammert, J. Techniques in Microbiology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. McClane, B. Microbial pathogenesis: a principles-oriented approach: Fence Creek Pub.
Willey, J. Prescott's Microbiology 8 ed. Dubuque, Iowa: McGraw Hill Higher Education. Congress that the prospects of stem cell research were so vast that it could touch all the realm of medicine Connor An unlimited source of embryonic stem cells will solve the problem of shortage of transplants. Embryonic stem cells will save lives by curing generative diseases of the brain, hepatitis, diabetes, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis and diseases of the heart and kidneys. ut current laws restrict the use of stems cells on embryos less than 14 days old and for correcting fertility, reproduction or congenital disorders.
The restriction is grounded in the belief that the embryo is a potential human being from the moment of conception. It thus possesses a soul and a dignity just like any other viable person Connor. Previous scientific research presented evidence that genetically engineering cells could partly repair a defective immune system Travis Two new studies bolstered this…. Bibliography Bauer, D. Review of the endocrine system. MedSurg Nursing: Jannetti Publications, Inc. Connor, S. Science: the miracle cure with a catch. The London Independent: Newspaper Publishing PLC Degen. D Body organization and homeostasis. Bones, Muscles and Skin. Pearson Education, Inc. Animal organ systems and homeostasis. Estrella Mountain Community College.
The Golgi receives new proteins and lipids from the ER, finishes them up, addresses them and sends them to their final destination. In this way, the Golgi could be the postal service of the city. Lysosomes get rid of unusable waste within the cell and recycles those materials that can be reused, making it the recycling and garbage center of the city. Mitochondria are where ATP, the main energy molecule, is made. It could be considered the city's power plant. Then we have the cell's cytoskeleton, which gives the cell its shape, strength and its ability to move. It can be looked at as the roadways and bridges of the city. Enzymes are proteins make chemical reactions within cells occur faster "Chemical Composition of the Body," WORKS CITED Biology-Online.
Farabee, M. Whitmarsh, John and Govindjee. VCH Publishers, Inc. In conclusion, although the anthrax bacterium is relatively low on the list of possible contaminants, future research on this potentially fatal disease should continue, particularly when considering the ever-growing threat from terrorist actions and the possibility that as the world population increases, the presence of the anthrax bacterium will also increase, due to the growth of farming, land clearing and many agricultural activities aimed at increasing the world's food supply through planting in soils already containing Bacillus cereus, not to mention the possibility of this and other types of the anthrax bacterium mutating into unknown strains which could create pandemic outbreaks.
EFEENCES "Anthrax. September 4, Glanze, Walter D. Desiccation Tolerance in Prokaryotes Prokaryotes or eukaryote is the organism that makes up the microbial world. Prokaryotes are deficient of internal unit membranes and are self-sufficient cells or organisms. The best-known prokaryotic organisms are the bacteria. The cell membrane in prokaryotes makes up the cell's primary osmotic barrier and consists of a phsopholipids unit membrane. The ribosome carries out translation and protein synthesis and is present in the cytoplasm. Normally, the nuclear regions consist of circular, double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid.
Plasmids, the accessory self-replicating genetic structure is present in many prokaryotes with extra not necessary cell functions like encoding proteins to inactivate antibiotics. On the other hand, the eukaryotic cells have a nuclear membrane, well-defined chromosomes, mitochondria, a sector device, an endoplasmic reticulum and digestive system with many cell types. The prokaryotes are deficient of structural multiplicity and consist of millions of genetically distinct unicellular organism, which is well-known among eukaryotes…. org Engineering desiccation tolerance in Escherichia coli" Billi, Daniela; Wright, Deborah J; helm, Richard F. Pricket, Todd; Potts, Malcolm; Crowe. John H. edu Mechanisms of plant desiccation tolerance" Hoekstra, Folkert A; Golovina, Elena; Buitink, Julia. Osmoregulation Endocrines Osmoregulation Osmoregulation is the process, by which the body adjusts to a change in an environment of different water volume and amount of solutes in a cells and body fluid of organisms including vertebrates.
Vertebrates are animals, which have a backbone, and can be warm either blooded or cold blooded. The body of such organisms adjusts in order to maintain the body balance both inside and outside their bodies in mild and harsh environments ranging from seawater, fresh water, and terrestrial habitats to very hostile environments. Endocrine glands found in such organisms play a major role in constant and persistent regulation of body balance, which secretes hormones directly into the blood whenever the body witnesses any environmental change Bentley Endocrine glands present in vertebrates play a major role in controlling the level of water and salt in vertebrate's bodies. Hormones produced in vertebrates play a major role…. References Bentley, P.
Comparative Vertabrate Endocrinology. chicago: Cambridge university press. Bentley, P. Endocrines and Osmoregulation. chicago: springer publishers. Crvendish, M. Growing up with Science.. london: marshall carvendish publishers. Kaiser, G. The Inner Bird.. New York: UBC press. Desiccation Tolerance in Prokaryotes Water is very important for life. Indeed, the processes of life, both external and internal even, at the cellular and the molecular level, are governed by water. Without water, most living organisms suffer from what is known as water stress. This water stress can be due to the loss of water or dehydration. Desiccation is a special case of dehydration where drying takes place in air.
Alternatively, another form of water stress is due to the excessive accumulation of salts. This is relatedly called osmotic stress. Osmosis seeks to reduce this accumulation by moving fluids across a concentration gradient. While most living beings cannot survive without water, lesser species belonging to the eukarya group -- that includes both bacteria and a more primitive organism archaea show remarkable tolerance to water stress. Responses to water stress takes place at a supracellular level as well as a cellular…. Bibliography Bartels, D. Desiccation tolerance in the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum.
A contribution to the study of drought tolerance at the molecular level. Plant Physiol, 4 , Billi, D. Ionizing-radiation resistance in the desiccation-tolerant cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66 4 , Breeuwer, P. Desiccation and heat tolerance of Enterobacter sakazakii. J Appl Microbiol, 95 5 , DiRuggiero, J. Repair of extensive ionizing-radiation DNA damage at 95 degrees C. In the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus. J Bacteriol, 14 , In one laboratory experiment, bacteria exposed to high levels of pathogenic bacteria over several hundred generations eventually adapted "their progeny became dependent on having the formerly pathogenic bacteria in food vacuoles Jeon, " Armstrong There are several ways in which bacteria may subsume other bacteria, including ingesting them and maintaining them in food vacuoles as in the Jeon experiment, or they may become infected by bacteria that are acting as parasites.
Mitochondria, for example, could have been parasitic and fed off the host at the same time that they proved useful to it. Chloroplasts, because they are significantly self-supporting, are more likely to have been introduced as food. This theory continues to suggest that after many generations of true symbiosis, the mitochondria and chloroplasts lost their independence. If the endosymbiosis theory was correct, there are many things which should hypothetically prove true in experimentation. For example, it should be evidenced that…. Bibliography Armstrong. Customer supplied source. Smith, V. et all. Size and Temperature on Diffusion In this experiment is expected that after 30 minutes, the diameter of the diffused dye ring will increase in size when placed at 37°C.
Time minutes Distance cm Janus Green at room temperature Janus Green at 37°C Potassium Permanganate at room temperature Potassium Permanganate at 37°C Measurement of diffusion of Janus Green and Potassium Permanganate at different temperatures. Consistent with the expectations, potassium permanganate molecules spread further, 1. This was longer compared to those of Janus Green that spread 0. It is evident that both molecules spread further at 37°C than at room temperature. Work Cited Stoker, Stephen. General, Organic, And Biological Chemistry.
Belmont: Cengage Learning, prokaryotes consist of millions of genetically distinct unicellular organisms. A procaryotic cell has five essential structural components: a genome DNA , ribosomes, cell membrane, cell wall, and some sort of surface layer which may or may not be an inherent part of the wall 1. Functional aspects of procaryotic cells are related directly to the structure and organization of the macromolecules in their cell make-up, i. Diversity within the primary structure of these molecules accounts for the diversity that exists among procaryotes 1.
Identifiable groups of prokaryotes are assembled based on easily observed phenotypic characteristics such as Gram stain, morphology rods, cocci, etc. spores, filaments, sheaths, appendages, etc. anoxygenic photosynthesis, anaerobiasis, methanogenesis, lithotrophy, etc. Prokaryotes are commonly known as bacteria, and it is estimated that bacteria have been around for at least 3. Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology 2nd Edition. Williams, S. Breiman RF, Butler JC, Tenover FC, Elliott JA, Facklam RR. Emergence of drug-resistant pneumococcal infections in the United States. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Jones RN, Pfaller MA Bacterial resistance: a worldwide problem. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. Jun;31 2 Role of Secondary Hormone Messengers in the Process of Metabolism in Cellular Communication As the primary unit of human living, cells have multi-function tasks that need to be accomplished spontaneously within the body, especially if the body needs to accomplish many tasks and activities at the same time. That is why cells have an elaborate form of communication, which is primarily chemical and biological in nature. The biochemical cellular communication in cells coordinates all tasks that are essential for the survival of the human body.
These tasks include cell communication for motion and active transport of substances within the body; biosynthesis, or the production of chemical substances as a result of the biological activities of the cell; cell reproduction, growth, and death; and signal amplification, which is one of the primary phases in the process of cellular communication. The signal amplification phase, apart from acting as an 'intermediary' phase towards…. Bibliography Cellular Communication. CSS Web site. Biology Pages Web site. Origin of Eukaryotes Theory of Endosymbiosis The evolution of eukaryotes has no fossil record. However, from the study of modern organisms, biologists deduced their theory that eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes through the endosymbiosis process.
The state of one species living inside another species, known as the host, is called endosymbiosis. Eukaryotes evolved from the Archaea domain of prokaryotes, whereby prokaryotic cell have engulfed aerobic bacteria instead of engulfing other prokaryotes. Membrane infolding is the first process that occurs in the development of eukaryotic cell. Around the nucleus, nuclear envelope is formed due to the inward folding of the plasma membrane. Later, attached to the nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum is produced. The development process of mitochondria and chloroplasts completes the formation of eukaryotic cell.
Some of the researched evidences of biologists on the evolution of eukaryotes from prokaryotes are as follows. Origin of Eukaryotes. html oth use RNA and DNA are…. Bibliography Origin of Eukaryotes. George Washington University. html Endosymbiosis in Evolution. Sidwell Friends School. They cause the cell membrane to depolarize by allowing the influx of sodium ions into the cell. However due to the size and hydrophobic nature of the channel protein, it has not been fully resolved by x-ray crystallography. The secondary and some of the tertiary structures can only be deduced from the primary amino acid sequence. Voltage gated sodium channels consist of an?
However some sodium channels also have one or two smaller subunits called? The protein has 4 homologous domains containing multiple potential? The segments are connected by non-conserved, hydrophilic intervening segments. The fourth transmembrane segment S4 of each domain is highly positively charged, and thought to be a voltage sensor. eferences Errington, a. Stohr, and G. References Errington, a. Keramidas, a. Sands, Z. Grottesi, and M. Diffusion and Osmosis Experiment Lab eport The core purpose of the first experiment conducted in the lab was to study the principle of diffusion. The experiment aimed at analyzing the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration towards lower concentration. Potassium permanganate crystals were dissolved in water to observe the process of diffusion.
The observations and results attained from the experiment indicated the movement of molecules which occurred due to molecular collisions, taking place more frequently in areas of higher concentration. Molecules present in a liquid or a gas move about constantly in random directions. During their movement, they bump into each other and bounce this way and that way. This random movement ultimately results in the uniform or even distribution of molecules. The tendency of molecules to spread out evenly throughout the space occupied by them is referred as diffusion.
The process of diffusion does not require…. References Jeff, Sack. Osmosis and Diffusion, American Biology Teacher, Exploring Osmosis and Diffusion in Cells: A Guided-Inquiry Activity for Biology Classes, Developed through the Lesson-study Process. Science Teacher, Drug Action Pharmacokinetics explains the process by which a drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and eliminated from the body. These processes are dependent on the amount of the drug administered, the method of administration which affects the rate of absorption, biotransformation, and even excretion , and how the drug binds in the tissues. In essence, a drug's ability to transverse the cellular membranes depends on its solubility and molecular size and shape. The passive diffusion of the drug across cellular membranes depends on its lipid solubility as well as concentration gradients outside and inside the cellular membrane and the pH differences across the membrane.
Active transport of the drug occurs when the drug is actually moved by components of the membrane. This can allow a drug move against concentration and electrochemical gradients but it requires energy, can be selective, and can be inhibited by similar molecules. The absorption rate is influenced…. Obesity cause Diabetes Type 2? From the time people came into existence; they have witnessed changes in virtually every aspect of life including the global environment, food production, health concerns, demographic growth, and so forth. Nevertheless, the capacity to adapt to the changes has facilitated the inhabitants to survive and have an improved lifestyle. However, as the globe penetrated into the twenty-first century, the standard of living of numerous people has altered to a great extent due to the technological advancements and innovations.
Therefore, health has become an escalating and emerging concern in this epoch across the world. However, when taking health issues under consideration, obesity has been observed as one of the epidemics that have been witnessed…. References Barnett, A. Type 2 Diabetes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Bouatia-Naji, N. A variant near MTNR1B is associated with increased fasting plasma glucose levels and type 2 diabetes risk. PubMed, 41 1 : Gastaldelli, A. Beta-cell dysfunction and glucose intolerance: results from the San Antonio metabolism SAM study. PubMed, 47 1 : Lim, S. Chronic Exposure to the Herbicide, Atrazine, Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance. PubMed, 4 4. doi: Once in the cells, the glucose is burned in order to create heat and adenosine triphosyphate, ATP which is a molecule that stores and releases energy as required by the cell.
The metabolism of glucose into energy happens either in combination with oxygen which is called aerobic metabolism or without it which is called anaerobic metabolism. The oxygen used comes from the mitochondria. Red blood cells do not have mitochondria, so they convert glucose into energy without the use of oxygen, unlike some other cells. Glucose is also converted to energy inside muscle cells. These are probably the most important energy users. Muscle cells contain mitochondria so they can process glucose with oxygen.
Even if the level of oxygen levels in the muscle-cell mitochondria fall too low, the cells can proceed to convert glucose into energy without oxygen. The down side is that making glucose into energy without oxygen produces…. Works Cited "How We Turn Glucose Into Energy. Singh, Mike. Klotter, ; paraphrased Morris states that in order for the body to become adequately hydrated the individual should replace fluid lost by perspiration when exercising and should always drink water prior to consuming food. The ideal water intake for someone who exercises is stated to be as follows: "Drink 17 ounces of water 2 hours before the activity and weigh yourself right before you exercise.
While you exercise, drink oz. every minutes. Bibliography Body Effects Alcohol. A review of a videotaped lecture of F. htm Weatherwax, Dawn nd NSCA's Performance Training Journal Vol. Online available at www. Therefore, Hexsel's study will not be included in this analysis for failure to meet the study protocol. Another human study involved a case study of a single patient. This Brazilian study represented a case study and does not meet the protocol for inclusion in this analysis either Rittes, As there have been no human studies in the United States to date, we must rely on studies published in other countries for our meta-analysis.
A study conducted in Vienna by Karl Heinrich will be used as one of the studies to be analyzed. This was the only study that could be located involving an actual population of human subjects, as this type of research is prohibited in the U. At this time. The sample population used by Heinrich consisted of 86 individuals who received a standardized series of treatments. This study suffered from significant flaws that make the results questionable. Works Cited Atoba MA, Ayoola EA, Ogunseyinde O. Effects of essential phospholipid choline on the course of acute hepatitis-B infection. Trop Gastroenterol. Bechara FG, Sand M, Altmeyer P. et al. Intralesional lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine for the treatment of lipomas: pilot study. Arch Dermatol. Hanin I, Ansell GB, eds. Technological, Biological and Therapeutic Aspects.
New York and London: Plenum Press; Doris Hexsel ". Hemorrhagic Shock Shock is a condition of inadequate tissue perfusion, which results in decreased amount of oxygen in the vital tissues and organs Metrng , Klabunde , Sarathy , Spaniel et al. It reduces the rate of elimination of waste products of metabolism. Causes are heart attack, severe or sudden blood loss from injury or severe illness, blood poisoning from major infections, large decrease of body fluids, and exposure to extreme heat or cold for long duration. Hemorrhagic shock is a serious and life-threatening condition, which affects all body systems Sarathy Cardiac output is reduced and depriving tissue of adequate oxygen.
Hemorrhagic shock is further classified into four, according to the amount of blood lost. pdf Medtrng , Treat for shock, Medtrng. htm Sarathy, T. P, editor , 'A clinical diagnosis to watch out for, MedIndia [Online]. There are four major types of organic molecules. Those are the carbohydrates, the proteins, the lipids and the nucleic acids. Proteins are the enzymes, are also structural, are carrier molecules and…. However, the inorganic molecules, while not "organic," are just as important. These include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and minerals.
Water is the site of chemical reactions. Oxygen, like carbohydrates, is involved in cellular respiration. Carbon dioxide is involved with photosynthesis in plants. Nitrogen is involved with protein and nucleic acids. Finally, minerals are involved in enzyme ultra-structure. Of course, even if the latter four described in this post are inorganic, they are very important. We need both water and oxygen to survive as humans, carbon dioxide is necessary for plants and much of our atmosphere is made of up nitrogen. Minerals are used by the human body and for other purposes as well.
One of the most common mental disorders linked to Alzheimer's is depression which according to Elwood Cohen manifests itself in three important ways. First, "There are higher rates of depression among Alzheimer's patients than among non-demented adults;" second, "Having a depressive episode is associated with an increased risk for developing Alzheimer's," and third, Depressive symptoms can be confused with dementia in older adults" , In a recent study conducted by the Cardiovascular Health Initiative, based in Washington, D. Similar results were reported by the Multi-Institutional esearch in Alzheimer's Genetic Epidemiology MIAGE which discovered that "In the year prior to a patient being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, the same patient was almost five times more likely than their….
References Cohen, Elwood. Alzheimer's Disease. New York: McGraw-Hill. Coughlin, Patricia B. Facing Alzheimer's. New York: Ballantine Books. Powell, Lenore S. Alzheimer's Disease: A Guide for Families. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishers, Inc. A and Katie Courtice. Norepinephrine Norepinephrine, one of the monoamine neurotransmitters in the central nervous system, has been reported to be connected to several functions such as memory, cognition, consciousness, and emotion. It plays significant roles in the path physiology of depression. The norepinephrine system is important in: attention like alerting, focusing and orienting, appetitive behaviors, hedonic or pleasurable properties of natural and drug-related reinforcement and mood, arousal, and regulation of blood pressure Biogenic Amine Neurotransmitters in the CNS, n.
Serotonin Serotonin is a hormone, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine, in the pineal gland, blood platelets, the digestive tract, and the brain. Serotonin acts both as a chemical messenger that transmits nerve signals between nerve cells and that which causes blood vessels to narrow. References Acetylcholine. html Biogenic Amine Neurotransmitters in the CNS. Japanese Nutrition Japanese WHY DO THE JAPANESE LIVE LONGE? Many studies done by nutritionist worldwide have confirmed that a plant-based diet is the most healthful choice. Soybean and its extracts, such as soybean oil, provide high-quality protein that is equal to that found in poultry, milk and other animal-based foods. However, not all soyfoods are low in fat, but most of them are cholesterol-free. An added bonus is that soybean and its byproducts do not contain saturated fat unless it is added during the processing stage or is combined with other ingredients containing saturated fat.
Because many forms of soy are low or modest in total fat, a person's overall diet will be inclined toward…. The Oxford Companion to Food. New York: Oxford University Press. Ling, Wen Hua, et al. London, Sheryl. The Versatile Grain and the Elegant Bean. Marks, Leonard S. Medications include mood stabilizers, especially lithium, flaxseed oil, phospholipids, lecithin, antioxidants, folate, amino acids, multivitamins and minerals Kidd Psychosocial measures include a change of lifestyle, a change in diet, the inclusion of dietary supplements, cognitive behavior therapy and therapeutic parenting Kidd.
A plan that can be devised in treating or managing bipolar disorder can include traditional medications for symptoms, the new electroconvulsant therapy resistant cases, and preventive measures Kidd The family must be educated on possible relapses through informational pamphlets, videos or their involvement in advocacy groups. Family physicians, psychiatrists and mental health professionals should be involved in the plan. Family members should be informed about and trained to recognize the warning signs of suicide.
They should also be taught how to distinguish between the signs of mania and those of depression. Substance abuse should be discouraged or stopped. Even seemingly modest or "innocent" social drinking should be…. S and Pessar, L. Management of Bipolar Disorder. American Family Physician: American Academy of Family Physicians Kidd, P. Bipolar Disorder as Cell Membrane Dysfunction. Alternative Medicine Review: Thorne Research, Inc. NWHRC Health Center Bipolar Disorder. National Women's Health Resource Center: Gale Group. Found in both plant and animal products, such as olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and in some plant foods such as avocado Nutristrategy 10939, Phospholipids are major components of the cell membrane.
Phospholipids limit the passage of water-soluble compounds through the membrane, enabling the cell to keep its contents separate from the outside environment. Lastly, just wanted to give five ways that one can cut one's fat intake by watching what foods one consumes. Convert some of the foods one eats. Hope this all helps in one's decision. Good luck, hope you make healthy choices, and let us talk if there are questions. eferences Encarta Encyclopedia html Nelson,…. References Encarta Encyclopedia html Nelson, M. Strong Women, Strong Hearts. New York: G. P Putnam's Sons. Nutristrategy Fats, Oils, and Fatty Acids. Retrieved August 11, , from www.
In year anesthetic properties of Nitric Oxide were discovered by Humphery Davy he advised that the by using nitric oxide, pain and shock of the surgical procedure can be negated. Third person who continue with Morton and ells philosophy was Charles T. The Fourth man who contributed to anesthetics was Thomas Mortan Blatner, In the year James Simpson used chloroform in obstetric surgery, he used diethyl ether to anesthetize a women with a pelvic deformity for delivery kodali, and in year John Snow did a successful induction of chloroform to her Majesty Queen Victoria at the time of Prince Leopold's Birth and also on Fenny Longfellow who wrote to her poet brother that this use of ether is certainly the greatest blessing of this era Longfellow, In the year illiam Halsted introduced the nerve block.
In Heinrich Quincke demonstrated the process…. WORKS CITED Bergman, Norman. History of Anesthesia. Retrieved from 14th Jan Conquering surgical pain: Four men stake their claims. Massachusetts General Blatner, Adam. The discovery and invention of Anesthesia. Retrieved on 14th Jan Fadden, John. The other process is known as deplasmolysis and it involves cells adopting more water from the surrounding environment. These two processes can have an effect on cell permeability. These effects are realized either through turgidity or through flaccidity.
Flaccidity decreases the rate of permeability when the cell-membranes come into contact with hypertonic solutes. On the other hand, turgidity increases the rate of permeability when the cell membrane comes into contact with hypotonic solutions. The influence of temperature on a cell membrane can occur in two forms. The first influence occurs when the temperature is increased and the second influence occurs when the temperature is decreased. When temperature is increased, cell membranes react in valid manners. For instance, an increase in temperature can result in a melting impact of the cell membranes. This will in turn increase the rate of movement across cell membranes. This process might lead to the entry of foreign molecules into the cell. The foreign molecules can possibly cause cell damage.
Another effect of temperature on a cell membrane is that it can result in the destruction of peripheral or transmembrane proteins. Proteins are usually broken down by high temperatures. This unnecessary breakdown is a possible cause of destruction to the cell membranes. The increased activity increases temperature levels even further. This double action between cells increases the rate of cell destruction. Cell membranes become more rigid when temperatures decrease. The rigidness of the membranes can decrease the rate of permeability between cells. This development hinders activities between cells.
Lack of certain activities between cells will mean that some bodily functions will be affected. Low temperatures can lower the speed of permeability. When the speed of permeability decreases the growth of cells is hampered. In extremely low temperatures, permeability can stop leading to the shutdown of some cell functions. Molecule-size could be able to influence the rate of permeability in cell membranes. Different molecules have different sizes. This means that cells have to prevent or allow the entry of differently sized molecules. Each solute contains either small molecules or big molecules.
Sometimes the solute can have both big and small molecules. When cells are contained in solutes that contain small molecules, the level of permeability increases. Small molecules require less energy to permeate through cells. This makes it easier for cell membranes to accept these smaller molecules. The bigger molecules require more energy and resistance to enter though a cell membrane. Different solutes contain different levels PH levels and this translates to different permeability levels. Solutes that contain high PH levels increase the levels of activity within the cell membrane. High PH levels also lead to an increase in temperatures within the cell membranes.
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