Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Coping with stress essay

Coping with stress essay

Coping with stress essay Topics Confidence Aggression Conflict Boredom Appreciation Hate Respect Guilt Attitude Bereavement Passion Forgiveness Compassion Happiness Disrespect First Impression Grief Anxiety Hope Emotional Intelligence. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Watching a movie Starting from 3 hours delivery. Teaching people adaptive ways of handling stress, so as to promote the wellness cycle is an important part of the newly emerging field of behavioural medicine, coping with stress essay.


The psychosocial theory of stress and coping is of the utmost importance to patient care and recovery. It has been found that among other things, stress can affect the rate of wound healing, susceptibility to infectious diseases, and the development and progression of cancer. Stress is a concept, not a fact, and is best described by using a theoretical model Walker et al, Order custom essay Stress and Coping with free plagiarism report. The coping with stress essay familynot just the patient experiences the stresses associated with a family member being hospitalized Lewis et al, The nurse needs to understand what family means to the patient.

It might not be traditional, for example related by blood, or married, coping with stress essay. Patient care should be planned with the family in mind, and families should be made aware of what the care plan is. This way they are better equipped to support the patient Lewis et al, coping with stress essay, This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Stress and Coping. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Jan 11, Accessed January 7, comJan Autonomous versions may non be to the full equal for get bying with coping with stress essay alteration, therefore asking deliberate, planned steps.

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in the questionnaire after discussing with a few groups of The responses to the questions 1 to 12 Part A were medical students. The questionnaires were distributed to marked on a Likert scale from 1 to 5. For the purpose the participants for the data collection. The participants of analysis, the scores 1 and 2 were considered negative, rated the coping mechanisms used according to their 3 neutral and 4 and 5 as positive values. Then, their preferences of use as never, seldom or frequently and whether or not a particular coping mechanism worked frequencies with regard to the whole study group, gender for them. Along with written instructions, additional and the batch whether the students were from clinical space was provided for the participants to write if they or pre-clinical years of study were also tabulated.

The had any other coping mechanisms, which were not in the questions were classified into 3 groups: general, social pre-determined list and then to rate as indicated in the and academic issues and then the pattern of distribution questionnaire. Questions and Part B was developed for the current study. Then it was translated to Sinhala and Tamil. The accuracy of the translations was assured by translating Part B of the questionnaire consisted of 20 questions them back to English and comparing with the original and responses for these questions were given by the English questionnaire. The questionnaires were given to participants. Kruskal Wallis test was used to find out participants based on the language they preferred. The whether there was a significant difference in the coping study participants were asked to fill the questionnaires mechanisms used by the students in different years of independently to maximize the accuracy of the data.

study pre-clinical vs clinical , gender and nationality. completed questionnaires were returned and thus the data both groups of students had positive responses except analysis was done on data received from students. for question 11 for which there were more negative responses like what was expressed in the findings given RESULTS in Table 2. Majority of the study participants were between The stress coping strategies used by majority of years of age with an equal gender distribution Table students included sleeping, listening to music and talking 1. Mean age of the responders were Irrespective of the gender or of students. Most inefficient methods noted were showing 2. coping strategies as claimed by the students were engaging in religious activities and getting advice from Based on the results obtained from the binomial test, senior students and staff Table 3.

Talking with friends it was evident that the female participants find planning and parents was common among the participants and this and completing the task as an effective stress coping means of stress coping was also found to be effective mechanism than males Table 4. There is no other Table 3. There was no significant difference noted in significant difference in effectiveness of stress coping the effectiveness of coping strategies between males and mechanisms based on the gender or year of study of the females Table 4 or the stage of the medical training, students as pre-clinical and clinical. but a significant difference was noted between the coping methods used by Sri Lankan and Bhutanese students. Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the difference of usage of each coping mechanism with gender and According to the results analyzed using the nationality.

The same trend was and completing the task for coping stress. In the analysis noted in the whole study population regardless of the based on nationality, there was a significant difference gender. Analysis of responses by the students from the between some of the coping methods used by Sri Lankan pre-clinical and clinical years of training indicated that and Bhutanese students. I feel satisfied and happy with my life 6. I have been keeping upto date with my academic activities I have a good relationship with my colleagues and lecturers I have been functioning well during examinations I am pleased to be in this State Medical School 5. Academic achievements classes and distinctions are very important to me 3.

My appetite has been good lately 6. I have been feeling well and energetic lately 8. I have never had a feeling of dropping out from the medical school I do not have any difficulty in coping with the stress imposed on me by the medical course I feel confident that I will be able to deal with the future challenges in learning medicine 5. aspects of life Ranasinghe et al. A research on assessment of perception of stress similar to those reported by Silva , which showed and coping strategies in the Pakistan Medical School a significant positive relationship between meditation show that an inability to cope, helplessness, increased and mental health.

But only This method of coping has been expressed Shaikh et al. In the Among the common stressors, inability to cope light of the current and previous study findings, it appears itself is an important factor contributing to high level that Sri Lankans prefer to use meditation and prayers of stress Shaikh et al. A high prevalence of as effective coping methods. These methods are used stress among medical students may impair behavior and more by the females than the males. Although getting learning abilities of students Abdulghani et al.

Getting advice from lecturers and seniors Talking with friends or parents Smoking Completing the task, which was the stressor 14 86 Going home 26 74 Listening to music 9. Positive thinking Planning thinking about what steps to take and try to come Alcohol 87 13 Sleeping 7. Drug abuse Thinking of something or someone you like other than the Watching a movie Taking a shower Crying 47 53 Eating Showing anger over somebody This were compatible with the societal norms of Sri Lanka could be due to the absence of a healthy relationship and where girls rarely indulge in activities like drinking trust between the study participants and their seniors or alcohol, smoking and using drugs.

Some boys vented lecturers and such findings have been observed in a study emotions through drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs conducted in a different medical faculty in Sri Lanka but the numbers chosen these methods were not as high as Jayasinghe et al. Going home was another least males practicing these methods in other countries Firth, commonly used method and the reason for this might be ; Moffat et al. In the present study, there the distant locations of their homes and busy academic was a significant difference in alcohol consumption and schedules. the Sri Lankan and the Bhutanese students. It is difficult to find a reliable and best essay writing services from online. Top Rated Consumer Reviews your reviews click here to submit. Top Essay Writing Services.

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