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Leadership essays examples

Leadership essays examples

Since that time, the store has grown into a world-leading toys, video games, and baby products retailer. The discussion will also focus on the introduction of schools as social anchors, that are both moral and purposeful. My position comes with dilemmas leadership essays examples as deciding whether to report teachers with questionable grading decisions. The evolution of bank supervision institutions is a social, societal phenomenon whose knowledge is important to a considerable number of members of the society, leadership essays examples. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.

What is a good leadership essay?

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According to Gabčanová , employees are the most important organizational asset. The level of employee motivation is reflected in the improvement in product quality, improved customer service, and increased organizational productivity Gabčanová, Hence, organizational leaders must possess effective leadership skills in order to improve the performance of their employees. There are various existing leadership styles, nonetheless, the transformational and transactional leadership theories are the most cited in the management literature.

Transformational leadership has four dimensions: charisma, inspiration, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation. Compared to transactional leadership style, transformational leadership result in more motivated, engaged and committed employees. Transformational leaders understand their employees, inspire them to improve their performance, simulate creativity and innovation, listen to their ideas, and involve them in decision-making. Involvement of employees in organizational processes plays an important role in improving their motivation, hence, organizational productivity. Transactional leadership style has been found to undermine creativity, morale, innovation, and employee commitment Barbosa et al. Thus, in order to positively influence those around them, and reap maximum benefit, it is important for leaders to be attribute themselves to transformational leadership styles.

Effective leaders also play important roles in the establishment of organizational strategies, resource allocation, quality management, supply chain management, and other organizational processes. Hence, whether public or private, leaders directly influence organizational performance because they determine whether the staff will have the motivation to effectively execute the state goals, whether the allocated resources will be used effectively, and whether customers will be willing to remain loyal. Barbosa, F. Leadership and quality management—a correlational study between leadership models and quality management principles. Chemers, M. An integrative theory of leadership. These issues include lack of resources in Russia, and also lack of capabilities.

The development in infrastructure has proven to be slow and also lack of equipment. Many companies are waiving from the Russian market mainly because of the complexities and also the issue of transition economies. SMEs are not taking advantage of strategies that will elevate them to economy driven positions. The SMEs are not taking the right measures to establish business relation. The SMEs have to commit themselves in the market, it terms of investing, acquire the best personnel and realize their potential through time management. Modes of success have to be analyzed and adopted through joint ventures, engaging in…. Leadership Development Plan Leadership Development for Mentor To be in position to coach training nurses and uphold care to patient as a first concern.

The mentor shall endeavor to coach the training nurse towards this goal and assess the nurses' performance and attitude at work. The mentorship program will be through organizing seminars and workshops related the nursing practice for the training nurses. By the end of the mentorship program the training nurses should have a wholesome understanding of what entails in the nursing profession. They should also be able to confidently take up nursing duties with the diligence the profession calls for; keep good records of the patient performance; respond appropriately to patient needs…. Leadership Discussions First Half Conflicting Obligations Identify at least two ethical dilemmas that occur when you are in a position of leadership.

What makes the dilemmas ethical? Would you expect each person to react to the dilemma in the same way? People have different ways of reacting to dilemmas. In my position as a leader, I have encountered a situation where I had to choose tow rights. In this case, I was entangled in a dilemma because I value both student achievement and teacher autonomy when I pursue to enact policies that lower expectations. This was a heightened conflict because all school heads are public officials obligated to various people with competing interests and values. My position comes with dilemmas such as deciding whether to report teachers with questionable grading decisions. This dilemma is ethical because it puts pressure on the need to make ethical decisions. Further, in my response,….

School Emergency Plan How would you, as principal, gauge the success of this plan? On the surface the Emergency Response and Crisis Management Plan for Dunn School appears quite thorough. Comparing it to an emergency response plan on the FEMA website it is lacking some potential eventualities. In any event, until the plan has been tested, one cannot know -- a principal or a school board member or any one -- how effective it will be. For example the Dunn School takes pains to point out where teachers are to take their students, which hallway to use, which way to turn, how to exit the building, and that is all good.

But those directions are always in place in a school based on the possibility of a fire. Every school in the United States has a fire drill, and has directions in place in the event of a fire. School violence has become an increasingly important focus of study in recent years, precisely because of its apparently increasing prevalence in the United States today. Violence perpetrated by young children against other young children has never taken the epidemic levels it does today. Many scholars have made the central quest of their research to determine why this is the case and secondarily, how to prevent this phenomenon.

And indeed, the statistics are upsetting. According to the Centers for Disease Control CDC, , there have been student deaths in separate incidents of school violence during the past seven years. This translates to an average In order to deal with this terrible phenomenon, the CDC suggests that the first step is to define the problem. As such, the CDC defines school violence as "youth violence that occurs on school property, on the way to…. When it comes to "encouraging the heart" I need to be bolder and more communicative in ways that I can express my appreciation to my athletes, and thus encourage them to perform at their best level. As this strategy involves the act of recognizing "individual contributions to the success of every project" and "Celebrating team accomplishments regularly" communication is clearly key.

I definitely need to be more proactive and praising my athletes and talking about how important their hard work is to me, regardless of the outcome of the match. it's important for me to thank my athletes from time to time and express how much their courage and their risk-taking is inspiring to me and to the entire school. Such words can work wonders in boosting morale and helping athletes keep the "bigger picture" of events in their mind. Essentially, all the key aspects of leadership are the areas…. Those administrators that are able to provide educators with this will more than likely have favorable opinions of the current strategy from the staff and the public. While those administrators that are unable to achieve this objective, will more than likely face possible resistance issues to new ideas that are being presented.

This will make creating a change in the educational environment more challenging, as educators will often view what is happening, with a certain degree of skepticism. At the same time, the positive or negative views of the educational values of the administration, will affect the general public. As they will often, view what is happening in a more controversial light that could be played out in the media. The key for effective educational leadership is: to address these issues and then help everyone to see how the new values could improve, the overall quality of education that is…. However, while I see that Boy Scouts has helped develop my empathy and my planning ability, I know that I continue to struggle with my ability to frame concepts for a group.

Servant leadership is not about asserting power, but about developing rightful authority. Rather than force a group to do the leader's bidding, a servant leader's role is to persuade people to follow the leader's path. However, it is not really the leader's path that he asks people to follow. On the contrary, because a servant leader listens to people, respects all members of the group, and considers short- and long-term consequences, the path that the servant leader proposes should be one that is best for the group. Of course, that path may not seem best to the group because of competing interests, short-term worldview, or the fact that every plan is going to have pluses and minuses for….

Studies do confirm that the traditional method of teaching or "lecture" format often fails students. Diverse educational tools are the best tools for facilitating learning and collaboration in the classroom. The principal also notes teachers "do" too much in the classroom rather than allow students to become empowered or more proactive. Weaknesses The article and principal do not cite the exact research that points to successful methods of learning other than the lecture format. The article also fails to explain the justification for separating students into same sex classrooms.

This point was made as a side note, when it should have included a full synopsis providing verification for placing girls and boys in separate classrooms. The article also fails to provide details about the outcome of the principal's changes. In this…. School Finance: Its Economics and Politics School financing in America Revenue sources for federal and state governments Judicial reviews of school finance policy with evolving standards of equality School-based decision making Family choice of schooling Reform of schooling-finance Providing equality in educational opportunities to all is one of the cornerstones of American democracy. The founding fathers of America were aware of the necessity of having a population, which is educated since it enables an opportunity for all the citizens of the country to be successful.

The necessity and the desire to create an environment where all children have equal opportunities for education to achieve success are now creating fundamental challenges in the field of education in America. In the 20th century, the issues which concerned school finance was about dealing with how to overcome fiscal disparities with the use of state and federal resources within a public school system. The second issue is medical insurance reimbursement: according to the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy, there has been a great deal of "anger and frustration" and confusion over whether or not licensed professional counselors will be or are now able to be recognized as eligible for medical assistance MA reimbursement. This is a problem that is not unique to Minnesota, but in fact boards across the country are dealing with MA reimbursement issues.

In the case of the Minnesota board, rumors have been circulating that insurance companies are not credentialing professional counselors; but the truth is, most insurance companies will indeed issue credentials to those professionals recognized as Mental Health Professionals under applicable state and federal laws. It may mean extra effort on the part of…. Batz clearly is attempting to be a consensus manager -- he wants an agenda to go through for implementation with the least amount of conflict. However, it is also possible that he is being rather Machiavellian potentially at the expense of committee and administrative time. He allows infighting to occur with the ostensible hope that the individuals will work things out.

Yet there is an underlying current that perhaps he is using the apparent open ended, congenial style to get people who will concur with his views -- others to resign so that it appears he is not being heavy handed. However, for Jones' own agenda to work out she must consider that management of a situation and leadership are two entirely different things. Jones must immediately meet with Batz and, rather than usurping his authority, counsel him to make a decision regarding the conference. Even if he rules against…. Leadership United States had been involved with the world affairs from 18th century to the present and its most prominent role was during the pre-world war era and post-world war affairs of the world. Particularly when President Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy ruled, the economic prosperity of the United States began to grow on a vast scale.

Their eras were considered the most successful era for United States in relation to economic prosperity. President Eisenhower and Kennedy ruled United States from to and to These Democrats controlled Congress for a period however; they could not pass liberal legislations due to the enforcements of Conservative Coalition. The involvement of United States with worldly affairs in the light of President Eisenhower…. Leadership Lessons From Steve Jobs Steve Jobs was a transformational leader, both from a technological and human leadership standpoint. Having not only launched Apple but also saved it from bankruptcy when he returned in , Steve Jobs showed a unique set of transformational skills that would set both him and his company apart globally more than any other technology-related brand.

The intent of this analysis is to evaluate Apple Computer from the standpoint of Steve Job's major impact and influence on it, including a discussion of the three major business challenges that needed to be overcome for the company to succeed. The leadership style Steve Jobs relied on is also discussed. His role as a transformational leader is clear by how effectively he could communicate a product vision and mobilize organizations in the tens of thousands of people to accomplish them Cheung, Wong, Third, his effectiveness as a transformational…. Leadership in Nursing Posting 3 Read articles choose interest. Analyze articles describe leadership roles discussed. Compare attributes nurse leaders. Posting 3: Health leadership in the developing world The developing world faces many critical health challenges.

Addressing the multitude of concerns regarding health delivery can seem overwhelming, and it is critical that the national leadership is able to define specific goals to improve the healthcare infrastructure of these nations and devise targeted solutions. The problems in Malawi lay in the willingness of students to enter the profession as well as a shortage of educators. Without nurse tutors to train nurse technicians, it will be a struggle to provide the countryside with needed health…. Leadership Skill - Planning Planning as a Leadership Skill There are many leadership skills that are important, and one of the most significant is planning. Additionally, there are many different models for planning. The one chosen here is vision-based or goal-based.

Two other models, Issues-Based planning and Scenario Planning, were considered but deemed more complicated and unnecessary. In vision-based planning, it is necessary to first identify the purpose. Usually, a company does this through the creation of a mission statement Drucker, From the mission statement and the kinds of things that the company would like to see…. For school retention, the major reason for support of this was academic achievement. If the child does not meet the set benchmarks for performance, the decision-making panel simply agreed to retention of the student. There was no formal assessment system for this decision process. These results were supported by the result of the study conducted by Hong and Raudenbush who found that student achievement were used in state and district schools to decide social promotion vs.

school retention instead of formal systems of assessment of student performance. According to these findings, the schools that used academic achievement as the main criterion for social promotion did not bother to understand how the decision affected the student for who the decision was being made and the other students in general. The findings of these authors showed that these were very important aspects in the general performance of the school itself and…. School Violence: Cause and Effect Leary el al. For example, incidents of school violence frequently occur as a direct result of negative interaction between members of a peer group.

Researchers such as Leary et al. have provided conclusive evidence of this link. School violence prevention must, therefore, focus on ways in which school communities can mitigate these negative and potentially harmful social interactions and issues. In this sense, the cause of school violence is bullying and negative…. Schools in the 21st century are very different from the one-room schoolhouses that once dotted the American landscape. Today a single school can house thousands of students at various grade levels and many schools integrate the latest technologies into their curriculums. With this being understood, it will be interesting to see how school curriculum will change in the future. The purpose of this discussion is to examine how schools will change in the future as it pertains to technology.

The discussion will also focus on the introduction of schools as social anchors, that are both moral and purposeful. Schools of the future Indeed technology will continue to play a large role in schools of the future. Educators will continue to incorporate technology into the curriculum. According to Caldwell and Hayward "schooling at the upper secondary level will become more complex and diverse, with multiple providers; combined with advances made…. Further, rather than "inviting" students to seek help, the systematic plan "requires" them to receive additional assistance until mastering the concepts.

For example, at an Illinois school, the collaborative team determined that every three weeks, each student receives a progress report. Within the first month of school, new students learn that if they are not doing well, they will receive a wide array of immediate interventions. First, the teacher, counselor, and faculty advisor separately talk with the student to resolve the problem. The school also notifies the parents about the concern. Counselors make weekly checks on any student who falls short at the end of six weeks. The student is assigned to a daily guided study hall with 10 or….

Granted, she was fortunate that Goldenberg is a noted school change advocate and author. However, if he had not been at the school, she may have been able to find someone else well versed in reform. The important element is collaboration with others who have a knowledge base. The other important aspect of this article was the example of how the teachers were involved and the results that came from this change. Based on the increased scores of the students, it is easily recognized that there was a fundamental change in the teachers' instruction. Lastly, this article showed that not all changes end in "happy ever after" results.

Unfortunately, the changes were not continued from one generation of teachers to the next. There are a few elements that are missing in this article. The first is what happened to Sullivan and her involvement with this school change. Did she leave,…. If school uniforms are implemented, universally the culture of the school becomes visibly white washed and some would argue that such a change does not prepare students for "real" life nor stress the value of individuality in such a way that students feel or respond to real social situations they may face as adults that include diverse appearances.

Many also argue that though some students may benefit from structures that include strict adherence to school uniform policies, such as problem students who lack discipline in other areas of their life or are prone to violent actions such solutions are a small part of the total package needed in these cases and real mutual earned respect between students, teacher and peers is the real challenge for any student or school culture as such is the basis for curtailed behavior and responsible behaviors, as apposed to everything from mild verbal inappropriateness to…. It raises the need for both written and verbal communication skills to reach an optimum level that can persuade and cajole.

It is believed by many experts that this economic role will become more important in future years and that in order to achieve the status of superintendent, a candidate will have to display some experience or education in that field to ensure board members that he or she is capable of representing the district well Thomas, With Administrators, Staff and Teachers School superintendents face a new level of issues when dealing with these three groups of employees, and it is very important how the man or woman in that position communicates layoffs, curriculum changes, school closures, firings, or an order to re-apply for their jobs, as has been done now in a significant number of districts around the country.

One of the superintendent's first priorities is to get…. This attribute of ownership and passion makes everyone associated with the project realize that "the buck stops here" as it relates to each project. There is an element of transparency as well in having strong ownership and passion for projects that makes project managers who have this attribute easy to work with, and as a result they gain support quickly in organizations. Fifth, leadership in project management is also evident in the strong commitment to stay current with operations research, statistical, and operations research initiatives and plans throughout their areas of expertise.

Having an inherent interest in the specific areas of project management, leaders in this field often contribute their expertise and thought leadership in written articles and industry speeches sharing their lessons learned in the process. These five essential attributes are evident in project management leaders. The catalyst of excellent project management performance is a passion for the area…. In suburban areas, on the other hand, the economic opportunities are diverse and the population is less dense. Here parents are motivated to educate their child and the child gets higher individual attention from the teachers than those in the urban areas where population density is very high Broomhall and Johnson, ; and Hanson and Ginsburg, Since educational aspirations of parents, students and teachers differ by population density and location; therefore, achievement gap differs by population density and location.

For instance, Astin and Karabel have conducted a research and the regression analyses indicate that measured academic ability is a more powerful predictor…. I will create a study plan to enable me to balance work, home, and school demands and involve my family with this plan. To enhance my attractiveness as a candidate for employment I will continue to add to my professional areas of expertise. I will obtain additional certification in CMC Certification in Cardiac Medicine and CCRN Certification for Adult, Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care Nurses. Present what you need or want to learn to improve your practice and the strategies needed to meet your learning needs Obtaining additional expertise is essential to work in an ICU, given the variety of conditions I will deal with, and also the diverse patient base.

Becoming an involved member of professional organizations will be helpful. I also intend to draw upon the mentorship and knowledge resources of my professors and older nurses who have pursued similar career paths. I intend to use my personal…. They predict age and gender variations relate to bullying concerns. Of the 25 cartoons implemented in the study, two depict characters with different shades of skin color where skin color appeared to be an issue. One cartoon relating to sexual orientation was not used in several countries. Smith et al. report Olweus to assert bullying to be characterized by the following three criteria: 1. It is aggressive behavior or intentional "harmdoing" 2. which carried out repeatedly and over time 3.

In an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Listed and selected bullying terms as well as social exclusion in the applicable language. Used fundamental focus groups with participating children to confirm usage and extensive comprehensive of terms. Using cartoons, sorted tasks to…. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Education School Leadership Essays School Leadership Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. 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