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Essay on maturity

Essay on maturity

How does one measure maturity? I got to see firsthand what it was like to struggle and have the fear of not having enough money to get by. It is a scientific kind of maturity that is visible and quantifiable. Viva Essay Online writing help and assistance. Market Maturity occurs when industry sales level off, essay on maturity.

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By Romantic WarriorAugust 1, in Member Writing. Here's a short essay I wrote today on maturity that I haven't revised too much. I'm eager to hear all comments and criticisms. What is maturity? When is one mature? How does one measure maturity? These are questions that are too often neglected in today's society. We often talk about maturity with little understanding of what it is. She needs to grow up. You don't learn essay on maturity in a high school class and its deeper meaning is rarely talked about among friends. Unfortunately, this lack of exposure to the concept of maturity results in a lack of understand of how we can improve ourselves as individuals.

First, we must define maturity and distinguish between different types of maturity. Flipping open the nearest dictionary, one finds that maturity is defined as a "full development. Full development essay on maturity what? This leads us to distinguishing between different kinds of development. In what ways, as human beings, do we develop? Or, essay on maturity, put another way, in how many different ways do we mature? Although there are many ways in which we mature, I would like to focus on the two types of maturity that are most important in one's personal development: physical maturity and emotional maturity.

The essay on maturity type of maturity, the physical, is easiest for us to fully understand, essay on maturity. It is a scientific kind of maturity that is visible and quantifiable. For example, I am seventeen. While this literally means that since I was born the earth revolved around the sun roughly seventeen times, essay on maturity, it more importantly is an approximated measure of physical maturity. By telling you I'm seventeen, you've most like already assumed that I don't have wrinkles on my face and that chances are I'm in relatively good health.

We also measure physical maturity by key milestones in our biological development as human essay on maturity. For the ladies, menopause. As we grow older, our bodies "fully develop" and are most easily measured by these real, visible changes in our bodies. So what does this mean for you? First, it means that you need to reflect upon and understand who you are in relation to your physical development, essay on maturity. One cannot build up false expectations and plan on running a marathon in his or her thirties quite as well as he ro she may have ran it in his or her teenage years, nor can a teenage girl expect to understand her body the way a forty year old woman understands hers.

More importantly, we must understand physical maturity as a singular element of personal development apart from emotional maturity. In that case, essay on maturity is emotional maturity different? Emotional maturity is one's "full development" emotionally. Obvious enough, but how do we understand our emotional development? Unlike physical maturity, emotional maturity is not easily defined. It is not quantifiable, essay on maturity. We can't use a science lab to calculate an individual's emotional maturity. Emotions are volatile and difficult to understand. Although everybody views this subject differently, I would like to lay down a few irreducible concepts on the subject axioms, if you will.

First, development occurs through time. Without time, essay on maturity, there can be no development, no change. As time passes, we, as humans, experience. We experience essay on maturity whole host of things: love, hate, victory, tragedy. So, as time passes, we develop by essay on maturity. Without experience, we don't develop. From this, I determine that emotional maturity depends first upon experience. Despite this, experience does not necessarily mean we develop. Our experiences can result in detrimental changes that hinder our maturity. Put another way, our experiences can prohibit our emotional development. This means essay on maturity we as human beings must use some sort of medium to translate these experiences into positive development.

This medium is reason. Our rational facilities allow us to see, essay on maturity, smell, taste, and feel our environments. Not only that, but our rational facilities also allow us to process this information. The progress of our emotional developments depend on how we process this information, essay on maturity. For instance, lets say that Jon's pet cat dies, essay on maturity. Although he can react in many ways, we'll just examine two, essay on maturity. He can say to himself, "I'm sad my cat died, but I'll move on, raise a new cat, and remember the great times I had with the old one.

I'll never move past this. Its my fault the cat died. I should have given him fewer treats and more cat food. In this way, over time, we construct principles based on the way we process our experiences. These principles are our personal convictions. How did I conclude that? If maturity is our apex of development, then we as human beings are capable of the greatest happiness, the greatest achievements, and the greatest understanding when we are fully developed. For the reasons stated above, I believe that experience and proper reasoning are necessary for proper maturation.

So, again, "Emotionaly maturity is the sum of experiences and personal convictions that allow for one's greatest personal potential. If that is emotional maturity, how does physical maturity come into play? If emotional maturity and physical maturity sum to an individual's total level of maturity, then I would define maturity as such. The more mature we are, the more we can achieve. It is important to understand in context of where we are in our development. The average ten year old child is simply not capable of achieving what the average thirty year old can achieve, nor is that ten year old child capable of dealing with difficult situations in the same way that a thirty year old deals with them.

The child has not had the experience nor the kind of personal convictions that an adult does. So what does it all mean? It means that we must strive to be as mature as possible given our varying situations. It also means that we must reconsider how we teach children to live their lives and how we govern our society. If age is a measure of physical maturity, then is it true that no individual is emotionally mature enough to consume alcohol until he or she is of twenty one years of age? Is a woman mature enough to be a mother simply because she is thirty? Are seniors more mature simply because they are older? Of course, the older one is the more one has experienced, but experience alone, remember, does not directly translate to maturity.

Maturity is too often overlooked and misunderstood. Strength, intelligence, and beauty are far more important in the eyes of society at large. Regardless, essay on maturity, it is crucial to understand the importance of maturity for your own well being. I enjoyed it I especially enjoyed how you dissected maturity and went through what seemed like logical steps in doing so. There is a lot to like in your essay. So, take the following critique in that context. I will focus my comments on aspects I think need further work:. In doing so, avoid complaining that people the reader too? just don't get it. You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.

Paste as plain text instead. Only 75 emoji are allowed. Display as a link instead. Clear editor. Upload or insert images from URL. By Gus Van Horn blog Started 3 hours ago.

expository essays samples

The length is short, about 9 months to a year, so students can start a family; buy a car, etc faster than if they were to attend a university. In addition students do not have to leave their families behind. Students who stay in a single parent household and takes care of the house could stay and continue to help their parent out. That way they can better their life while still helping out around the house. College is worth the money because it prepares you for a career, but most of all prepares you for the future and growth as an adult. When applying to college much is evaluated for acceptance. According to College Board. org, Admissions offices review each application for more than a GPA, and test scores. They review applications to see ones character, and what personal qualities you have, what makes you unique, and how you will contribute to the campus, do you have leadership abilities.

When I graduated high school my parents could not afford for me to go to college. Home Page Maturity. Maturity Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Maturity Maturity is not something that happens overnight. Life throws curveballs and there are always multiple ways to deal with the situations. Being mature is making the right choices and knowing right from wrong. When you turn eighteen you are expected to just be mature. Maturity basically gets thrown at you, so hopefully you are prepared for it. High school responsibilities, like getting a job, budgeting your time and learning to drive teach you skills that you can use in your adult life, if you choose to apply them. Maturity is about choice. You can be given every skill that you need to survive and if you are mature enough you will use them.

For me, driving a car, going to Europe, graduating, and having a job have all contributed to my maturity. I went to Europe basically by myself, with no parent there to hold my hand. I had to make good choices, be safe and be mature while I was half way across the world from my parents. I am graduating this year as well. Maturity will help me keep my head on straight while I am being my own boss. For the past two years I have held the same job. This job has taught me responsibility, how to deal with money and people and basic life skills. If I were not mature I would not be able to hold a job for that long.

Get Access. Good Essays. My Personal Success Words 3 Pages. My Personal Success. Read More. Pros and Cons of Taking a Year Off Before College Words 3 Pages 3 Works Cited. Pros and Cons of Taking a Year Off Before College. Better Essays. personal finance goals Words 3 Pages. personal finance goals. Powerful Essays. Advantages Of Studying Abroad Essay Words 4 Pages. Advantages Of Studying Abroad Essay. Whereas some people may mature very early, some will take a long time. Currently, young people are exposed to a lot of information from a very tender age. As compared to the past, today, the internet and some television programs offer bulk of information that has adult content. Even so, so many of them do not act responsibly.

Rather, they have been involved in irresponsible behaviors such as drugs and substance abuse. Some of them have found it difficult to complete school and any other form of training. Simply, they have been unable to keep long-term commitments. Further still, they are unable to interact with adults well and will be shaken at any sign of flattery or criticism. In addition, researchers have indicated that young people consume too much adult information that they cannot handle. Since their brain is still being formed, they do not have the emotional capacity and the will to handle all the information. Yet, the society may expect these young ones to act responsibly because they have access to the related information.

Naturally, such expectations cause conflicts in schools and at home. Apart from the young people, there are many adults who can be said to have grown old and failed to mature up. Such people may have had a wrong upbringing and hence were not prepared for the responsibilities of adulthood. Psychologists indicate that parents have the greatest role when it comes to the maturity of an individual. Yet, most parents are either busy in their work places, or are misinformed about brining up their children.

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