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How do you write a compare and contrast essay

How do you write a compare and contrast essay

To develop an excellent essay, you need to list the differences and similarities between the topics or subjects but rather focus on deducing meaningful arguments. English tutors might issue topics in linguistics in various disciplines like phonology or semantics, which leaves many learners grappling to tackle the research papers. Name Incorrect Name, please try again. The structure of how do you write a compare and contrast essay compare and contrast essay There are three approaches to writing this type of essay: Point by point method Venn diagram Block structure Point-by-point method This method focuses on comparing or contrasting various points of the same object. Astronomy is an exciting subject with broad, complex topics.

Step 2: Explore Similarities and Differences

Compare and contrast essays are a common form of academic writing in High school, college, and Universities. In your learning journey, students are required to write different types of assignments that have specific requirements. You need to be straight forward when writing how do you write a compare and contrast essay and contrast essay how do you write a compare and contrast essay analyze the similarities and differences of a given topic in details. Also, ensure you have enough ideas, points, and concepts before you start a compare and contrast essay. You should also keep in mind that compare and contrast essays can sometimes get difficult, although generally this type of essays is not so hard to deal with.

Compare and contrast essay for college, high school, or university have a common approach in which the student examines how things, ideas, or concepts are similar. Contrasting involves exploring how the ideas, concepts, or topics differ. This essay, therefore, examines the similarities and differences of two or more topics, ideas, or concepts. While giving an assignment on this essay, the lecturer wants to test your understanding of a given method, topic, concept, novel, and historical concepts, among other things. Such assays may be compared and contrast while at times may be either comparison only or contrasting. Such kind of essays only requires the student to examine the similarities alone or the differences alone, how do you write a compare and contrast essay.

Students should ensure that they fully understand the outline, structure, and format of the compare and contrast essay before they start the writing. You can write an outline in a general format like the one provided here, or perhaps use a specific outline provided by your teacher. In this regard, there are two different ways that one is expected to follow in structuring compare and contrast essays. These methods include the use of block paragraphs and point to point structures. In the block structure approach, you are supposed to give all the information concerning topic, idea, or concept you are comparing and contrasting first followed by the information about the other objects.

This structure is similar to the block structure that is commonly used when writing problem-solution and cause-effect essays. In block structure, also known as subject-by-subject structures involves saying everything you want about your first subject and then proceeds to make the points you wish to talk about in the second subject. The subsequent subjects then follow this approach. In short essays, it may be possible to fit all the ideas you are comparing is single paragraphs, but in longer papers, you can develop subsequent paragraphs about the same subject. However, using block structure is prone to some challenges since the paper may be listing a mere list highlighting points about a given subject and them highlighting contra points about another subject.

However, this is not what your professor or instructor is looking for in your paper. Your instructor requires you to compare or contrast two or more items directly as opposed to merely listing then and expecting your readers to decode or internalize the traits that are different and those that are similar and why. Therefore, when the student is using subject-by-subject for comparison, they need to the developed an informed and analytical thesis statement as the last sentence of their introduction paragraph that ties the different points together. Block comparison is preferred when writing lens comparison. In this essay, students use an item or subject that is not considered as the main topic to better understand another item.

For instance, when you are asked to compare a song or story, you have covered in class with another one, which you were asked to read on your own. Here, you give a thorough description of your argument. This is followed by evidence and fact support for your essay. Remember to give examples to show the differences and similarities of your idea. In point to point structure, one compares and contrasts the ideas on point to point basis. Different approaches are used based on what you want to compare. When writing a short essay, one paragraph is enough; however, when you have much to say, you can devote several paragraphs.

Using this format will help you to develop a good topic sentence and transition among the paragraphs. As such, the student understands the structure required in the essay and can develop a clear thesis statement for the paper. One of the important things when writing this essay is to develop a clear compare and contrast essay thesis statement. Having a well-formulated thesis statement helps a student to develop a well-focused argumentative paper that gives the reader a roadmap about what the paper is about. This helps to prevent them from getting lost along the way and gains an understanding of the points you are about to make.

A thesis statement helps you to avoid vague reports from a general topic to a more specific one. It is important for the student to understand that the instructor is looking for in-depth analysis. It is also good to link the topic with the content learned from class to help you come up with stronger arguments. Here you can pick up a topic that suits your needs perfectly. There are some series of steps that need to be observed while writing a your paper. To develop an excellent essay, you need to list the differences and similarities between the topics or subjects but rather focus on deducing meaningful arguments. You should focus on the following steps when writing a compare and contrast essay.

The student should ensure to understand the areas of differences and similarities and how to compare them before writing a compare and contrast essay. Therefore, the two subjects must have similarities and differences. A good example is an essay where a college student is required to write about two different historical figures. It is recommended that one should show two great historical artists as opposed to selecting a politician and an artist. The first step that a student should take before writing a compare and contrast essay is to brainstorm. Brainstorming enables you to develop strong points regarding differences and similarities about the topic, how do you write a compare and contrast essay.

The student should brainstorm about the similarities and differences of the given topic or subject. This is done through developing a list of differences and another one highlighting the similarities. For instance, you can develop two overwrapping circles for the topic you are comparing. There are many approaches used in structuring compare and contrast essay; for instance, you can start by writing one subject using as many details as possible and then switching to another topic. For example, in comparing the different qualities between men and women, you can choose to be specific about each party and then present what is common among them.

In the next session, it is recommended to focus on the qualities that are common among men. In other cases, you can use point to point throughout your essay. For example, you can first deal with similarities and then focus on the differences. Compare and contrast essay outline should be well crafted and developed to ensure that it fits in the chosen structure. The basic format of writing an essay includes an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, writing a compare and contrast essay uses the same approach but should include sufficient body paragraphs to support your claims.

You can use the following outline as an example and template for your compare and contrast essay:. You should develop a captivating introduction paragraph for compare and contrast essay that gives insight to the reader concerning what your essay is about. This is the first paragraph of your essay that provides general information or an overview of your essay. The introduction paragraph should have a general overview of your topic and how you will narrow how do you write a compare and contrast essay your thoughts and arguments to one point. In your last paragraph, you should develop a thesis statement, which gives a trajectory or direction that your essay will take.

Body paragraphs and the main content parts of your essay and forms the meat to your essay where you provide evidence and details that you make or develop. The claims made are also supported by supporting evidence or facts from research and findings made in various research or discoveries. While writing a compare and contrast essay, ensure that all your body paragraphs have topic sentences which introduces your claim. You should ensure that each section of your body paragraph tackles a given aspect or claim or idea that you will discuss in that paragraph. The subsequent sentences in the paragraph not only provide but also analyze the evidence focused on providing a connection between the proofs and the thesis statement made in your introduction.

The common essays among high school, how do you write a compare and contrast essay, university and colleges contain three major parts starting with the introduction, body, and conclusion paragraph. However, in other cases, students may be required to use as many body paragraphs as possible to support their arguments. The concluding paragraph summarizes the evidence provided in the essay. Start by reinstating your thesis statement to offer additional information than in the introduction part. At this point, you should understand that your audience has more information you presented in the essay and the solid arguments discussed to support your claim. Therefore, as opposed to just rewording your thesis statement, you should take an extra mile by stating its importance in future research and development and how it informs the subject you were comparing and contrasting.

You should ensure to incorporate transition words in your compare and contrast essay to signal the shift from one idea to another, how do you write a compare and contrast essay. The transition words show the similarities and differences such that it is easy to follow. Some of the words used to show similarities include; likewise, similarly, also, to be like, just like, both, and, among others; while words used to denote the differences or contrast are; however, in contrast, whereas, in comparison, to be different, while just but to mention a few.

As you write your essay, support the claim you make with evidence from research personal experience as well as readings you have made in that subject or topic. When asked to enumerate about the differences and similarities based on Shakespeare and Keats from their poems, be sure to include supporting evidence and explanation to your claims and points and reference them correctly. In writing compare and contrast essay, how do you write a compare and contrast essay, you should carefully proofread and revise your paper to eliminate possible punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors. Therefore, you are recommended to use grammar and spell checks tools in your word program and have a peer go through your paper to identify some of the mistakes you might have missed.

In most cases, it is difficult to identify some hidden errors because we lack objectivity while proofreading our work. Helen is a professional content writer. Her main spheres of specialization are Marketing, Education, Business and Self-development. She is also studies topics about psychology and health. Compare and Contrast Essays 11 Jul What is compare and contrast essays Compare and how do you write a compare and contrast essay essay for college, high school, or university have a common approach in which the student examines how things, ideas, or concepts are similar. Compare and contrast essay structure and outline Students should ensure that they fully understand the outline, structure, and format of the compare and contrast essay before they start the writing.

Block In how do you write a compare and contrast essay block structure approach, you are supposed to give all the information concerning topic, idea, or concept you are comparing and contrasting first followed by the information about the other objects. Point-by-Point In point to point structure, one compares and contrasts the ideas on point to point basis. Compare and contrast essay thesis One of the important things when writing this essay is to develop a clear compare and contrast essay thesis statement. How to write a compare and contrast essay There are some series of steps that need to be observed while writing a your paper. Step 1. Recognize comparison and contrast in this assignment The student should ensure to understand the areas of differences and similarities and how to compare them before writing a compare and contrast essay.

Step 2. Discover similarities and differences The first step that a student should take before writing a compare and contrast essay is to brainstorm.

example of argumentative essay outline

You have been assigned a compare and contrast essay but what is it and where do you even begin? The purpose of this type of essay is to focus on two or more topics examining them for subtle differences and unexpected similarities. These topics can be closely related, say a zebra and a horse, or they can be vastly different, like a pizza and salad. The focus of a compare and contrast essay is to bring to light something unknown, show whether one is superior to another, argue a point with supported facts, or clear up a misunderstanding. WWI and WWII. London and Paris. Or how do they differ? This is a compare and contrast essay in a nutshell. Its main focus is on spotting the similarities or differences in terms of this or that object, phenomenon, or event.

A compare and contrast essay is a piece of academic writing focused on finding similarities or differences between several objects. Why even bother looking for samples and examples? Even though it all seems pretty self-explanatory, a compare and contrast essay can be a real challenge to compose. Evidently, you can always choose to seek the assistance of a good essay writing service like HandMadeWriting. Of course, the essence of this type of writing lies in finding common or different characteristics of two objects, places, events, or people. However, the piece can look differently depending on the approach a student considers to use when working on it. An outline will serve as a roadmap for your project. It will be the lighthouse you will keep your eyes on amidst all the arguments and ideas you want to mention in a piece.

Related Post: How to Write an Argumentative essay. Besides, it will help you keep your thoughts organized and well-structured. So, what should an outline for this type of essay look like? Now use this scheme and adjust it to your own essay. Remember that an outline is only a blueprint: no need to go into numerous details at each section. Simply mention what you will talk about in each section and mark what sources you will use to back up your ideas. Related Posts: Essay Outline Research Paper Outline. This method focuses on comparing or contrasting various points of the same object.

This being said, we find it essential to add that you can only choose two objects which you can really compare. We will focus on three main aspects: the cost of such education, quality of education based on the results and achievements of graduates , and the workload. The author should mention these aspects in the introduction saying that he will compare or contrast two different options of obtaining a degree based on these points. Specifically, if you ever decide to use this tool for one of the compare and contrast essay topics, here is what it would look like:. Secondly, write down things they have in common inside the intersection of these circles leaving the differences on the outside. Paragraph 2: They were both assassinated on Friday share the story and background of each of these cases.

This approach allows the students to compare different objects based on a particular writing pattern. A benefit of using this method lies in the structure and the level of organization of your piece. Firstly, the author takes the first object and describes it in the first paragraph. Then, he proceeds to describe the second object in the second paragraph. Throughout the process, features or qualities are looked into step by step. These are the three main methods used to craft a compare and contrast essay.

Just choose the one that you feel most comfortable using and move on to the actual writing part. Alternatively, you can look for help from a professional custom writing service like HandMade Writing. Knowing all the approaches is one thing. Nevertheless, there is much more you need to know about this type of writing if you want to succeed. That is why every student must start with finding proper credible sources and reading them carefully. But, of course, this is only true if you were given a choice to either contrast or compare the notions. Next, take your time to craft a decent outline. Yes, you heard it right: you need it way before you dive into the first draft creation.

Wondering how to write an outline? Here are several useful tips. The first thing a reader should see in your essay is an attention grabber. What can serve as one? These are the basic ideas on how to make your audience sit up and listen from the very first moment. Later on, develop this hook into a thesis statement. Related post: H ow to write an Essay introduction? Essay format guide. Usually, thesis statement presents your argument to the readers. It invites the audience to dispute your position and encourages a discussion around the topic of your choice. The secret of a good thesis statement is in its length.

Here is a good example:. Generally, college students get to choose how many main body paragraphs they want to have in their piece. Finally, get ready to compose a top-notch closure for the piece. The first step is to choose two topics worth a spotlight of similarities and differences. Pair two painters or two sculptors, rather than a painter and a playwright. An outline is par for the course when drafting an essay. But, with a comparison and contrast essay in particular, it's helpful to start with a good old fashioned list. Take a sheet of paper; draw a vertical line down the center; and list the similarities and differences between the two subjects.

If you were writing an essay about two famous painters, start with their similarities. Perhaps they both painted with acrylics. Once you've covered as many similarities as you can, move on to their differences. For example, Monet started studying at an early age while Van Gogh studied art after pastoral studies. A nice, long list is helpful because you can never know too much about your subject! Now, it's time to pull out your highlighter and hone in on the most significant elements. Take your list down to the interesting bits and create your arguments from there. For example, don't just talk about the painters' different backgrounds. Ask yourself what's significant about that.

Perhaps the two painters came from different backgrounds but reached similar levels of success. As soon as you decide on a topic for an essay, it's wise to do a cursory online search to make sure your topic has been covered enough by other scholars. Now that you're comfortable with your topic and the direction of your essay, it's time to gather supporting evidence. In these informative essays , statistical evidence is helpful. This includes facts, stats, and evidence. You'll also want to explore testimonials, expert opinion, or even a personal encounter if it's relatable. If you can, gather personal statements about the subject. In the case of the two painters, see what type of commentary you can gather from them to support their similarities and differences.

You may even learn about other similarities and differences you may have overlooked! Cite statistics about the neighborhoods they grew up in if you're going to focus on their upbringing and background. This way, it's not just your personal perceptions but factual evidence. Depending on length requirements, most basic school essays have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, compare and contrast essays tend to be meatier. Your introductory paragraph is going to introduce the two subjects to the readers. Offer a short tidbit about each subject, noting why you've chosen to compare and contrast the two. Then, close this opening paragraph with your thesis statement.

That's a sentence or two summarizing what's to come in the essay. For example:. Although Henri Matisse and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec both produced their work during Paris' famed Belle Époque period, their finished products stood in stark contrast to one another. This gives the reader an idea that you're going to be discussing two painters who lived and painted during the same period, but had unique approaches to their artform. Next, you'll move on to the body of the essay. While the linked guide goes into more detail, in a nutshell, your compare-and-contrast essay should follow a simple format of beginning, middle, and end:. The introduction, usually one or two paragraphs, should include a thesis statement to show the reader what to expect for the rest of your essay.

You can write your introduction following the same guidelines as other essay types, though be sure to mention all your subjects. Likewise, you can write an essay conclusion with the standard rules and best practices. Do you write about both subjects at the same time, or switch back and forth? The hardest part of structuring a compare-and-contrast essay is knowing when to talk about which subject. Essentially, you have three options:. No matter which option you choose, you have to pay particular attention to topic sentences.

The block method is usually divided into paragraphs: a paragraph about one subject and then a new paragraph about another subject. Take the compare-and-contrast essay example When Nothing Lies Beyond the Mask: Comparing Moby Dick and The Raven. In the first paragraph after the introduction, the author talks only about Ahab from Moby Dick , but in the next paragraph talks only about the narrator from The Raven. Each subject gets its own paragraph. Using the block method, you can go back and forth like this for pages, covering as many topics as you need. This approach is best for giving each subject its own attention but tends to slightly weaken the connection between the two.

As another option, you can break paragraphs up by a specific topic and issue, and in each paragraph discuss both or all subjects. Here, both subjects are discussed in the same paragraph, one right after another. This approach works best when you want to emphasize the connection between your subjects, or lack thereof. In our example above, the author wishes to highlight just how different the aliens of Arthur Clarke are from those of other authors, particularly H. To emphasize this, the essay author juxtaposes the two points right next to each other in the same paragraph.

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